1. If you come to wake me up wear a crash helmet.
2. Don't kill any cockroaches, spiders and mosquitoes, they are irreplaceable.
3. Don't open any drawers and suitcases, they sometimes explode.
4. Enter bare footed at your own risk.
5. Visitors are welcome provided they bring Eatables and Drinks.
6. Don't look under my pillows, that's where I keep my Underwears and socks.
7. In my room I'm always right so it is pointless to argue with me.
8. It is the law of my room that I can send any visitor for errands.
9. Visitors are requested to clean their own sit before leaving.
10. My bed sheets are all antics so they are washed only once in a month.
1. If you come to wake me up wear a crash helmet.
2. Don't kill any cockroaches, spiders and mosquitoes, they are irreplaceable.
3. Don't open any drawers and suitcases, they sometimes explode.
4. Enter bare footed at your own risk.
5. Visitors are welcome provided they bring Eatables and Drinks.
6. Don't look under my pillows, that's where I keep my Underwears and socks.
7. In my room I'm always right so it is pointless to argue with me.
8. It is the law of my room that I can send any visitor for errands.
9. Visitors are requested to clean their own sit before leaving.
10. My bed sheets are all antics so they are washed only once in a month.