Составить предложение из Суффиксы существительных: -er/or — teacher, writer, actor, doctor
-ist — scientist, artist
movement, development, government
ess — fortress, hostess, actress
-ian — musician, technician, politician
-ance — distance, importance, appearance
-(t)ion — revolution, translation, operation
-ity/-ty — popularity; honesty, morality, ability
-hood — childhood, neighbourhood
-y — energy, assembly
-ship — friendship, leadership
-age — passage, marriage
-ism — heroism, socialism, capitalism
-an — ass
, cousu
-ence — con
, s
building, reading, meeting
-dom — freedom, kingdom, wisdom
-sion/ssion — revision, session, discussion,
-ness — happiness, illness, darkness
(-s)ure — pleasure, treasure, measure
Префиксы существительных:
со — cooperation, coexistence
disadvantage, discomfort, distaste
— inaccuracy, independance
misunderstanding, misprinting, misinformation
im — impossibility, impatience
un — unemployment, unconcern, unreality
il — illegality, illiteracy.
Наиболее употребительные
суффиксы и префиксы глаголов
Суффиксы глаголов:
en — deepen, lighten, strengthen;
fy — classify, electrify, specify
ize — organize, characterize, mechanize
ate — indicate, activate, translate
Префиксы глаголов:
со — cooperate, coexist, collaborate
de — decode, decompose, demobilize
dis — disbelieve, disapprove, disapear
in — input, inlay, incut, indraw
im — immigrate, impart, implant;
inter — interact, interchange, interdepend
ir — irradiate, irrigate, irritate
over — overcome, overheat, overhear, overlook
re — readjust, rebuild, reconstruct, re write
mis — misprint, misunderstand, miscount.
Наиболее употребительные
суффиксы и префиксы прилагательных
Суффиксы прилагательных:
-ful — careful, beautiful, useful, powerful
-ant — distant, important, resistant
-ous — famous, dangerous, various
-ed — talented, developed, interested
-ing — interesting, disappointing
-al — natural, cultural, territorial
-ent — dependent, transparent, different
-ish — Spanish, British, boyish, Irish
-ible — possible, terrible, visible, convertible
-able — comfortable, miserable
-ic — atomic, historic, poetic, heroic
-y — rainy, busy, sunny, windy, dirty
-less — hopeless, lifeless, useless, homeless
-ary — ordinary, revolutionary, necessary
-ive — inventive, effective, impressive, detective
-ian — Russian, Canadian, Romanian
Префиксы прилагательных:
un — unhappy, unable, uncomfortable
in — independent, indirect, invisible
dis — disappointing, discouraging, disconnectng
im — impossible, imperfect, immoral, immaterial
non — non-ferrous, non-governmental
ir — irregular, irresponsible, irrational
post — post-war, post-operational
inter — interdependent, interchangeable, interna
il — illegal, illiberal, illimitable.
Shrubs or small trees with the height from 1.5 m up to 12 m with a thick trunk and many branches. The root system is strong, and rooted into the ground up to 10-11 m. The branches are green all year. The leaves are like small scales. The flowers are very small.
Кустарники или небольшие деревья высотой от 1,5 м до 12 м с толстым стволом и большим количеством веток. Корневая система мощная, корни уходят в землю до 10-11 м. Ветви зеленые круглый год. Листья похожи на маленькую чешую. Цветы очень мелкие.
Spring City is ready to meet the 8th of March. Showcases flower shops flashed bright bouquets and exquisite flower arrangements. At the forefront of a huge vase adorned with velvet tulips and fluffy mimosa peas. Delicate lily of the valley bells and graceful head first snowdrops trembled in clay pots in anticipation of female hands touching.