Составить реферат из пары предложений по тексту material research is not new, but the interdisciplinary aspects of materials research now are receiving considerable emphasis. it has been only since chemists, physicists, metallurgists, ceramicists, polymer chemists, and other scientists began studying the detailed structure and properties of materials that the fundamental relationships underlying basic materials phenomena have begun to be understood.
it was not until recently that it has become increasingly evident that the rapid exploitation of new discoveries and their incorporation into the technology depends largely on the combined efforts of research scientists and engineers drawn from several different disciplines.
the overwhelming problems of today are forcing the disciplines to seek advice from one another.
not only does the blending of various disciplines result in enhanced research, but modern materials systems themselves often are created from the integration of two or more materials. these systems do result in new materials having properties not previously available.
it is the lack of materials that are adequate to meet the needs imposed on them that many of the holding problems in our technological development stem from. на языке
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