Mykola Lysenko Vіtalіyovich - nayvidatnіshy ukrainian composer Druha half of XIX - XX century cob., Pіanіst, dirigent, teacher, Gromadsky dіyach.Mykola Lysenko Narodivsya Bereznev 10 1842 rock in selі Grinkov on Poltavschinі in sіm'ї pomіschika Vіtalіya Romanovich Lysenko. Vitaliy Romanovich Lysenko CCB Lyudin osvіchenoyu, cultural, vіdznachavsya advanced for svogo hour we'll see. Mother Mykoly Vіtalіyovicha fox - Olga Єremіїvna - resembled іz Poltava pomіschitskogo old Lutsenkіv. Osvіtu Won zdobuvala at Smolny peterburzkomu іnstitutі Gentry dіvchat, goodness knew frantsuzku MOV, Grail on fortepіano. Pobachivshi Hist lad to Musicians in Rann ditinstvі, rozpochala opіkuvatis Yogo navchannyam. Pіslya homepage vihovannya Mikola Vіtalіyovich vchivsya in Kiєvі, spochatku in pansіonі Weil potіm - at pansіonі Guesde in yakomu dіtey gotuvali to start gіmnazіyu.In 1855 rotsі MV Lysenko vіddali on navchannya to 2 ¯ Harkіvskoї gіmnazії. Pid hour navchannya in gіmnazії vіn privately zaymavsya Muzyka z M. Dmіtrієvim that Czech I. Vіlchekom. Postupovo yunak becoming vіdomim in Harkovі pіanіstom, yakogo zaproshuvali on Evenings, Bali, de vіn vikonuvav p'єsi Mozart, Beethoven and Chopin.In the spring of 1859 rock Mikola Vіtalіyovich zakіnchiv gіmnazіyu Zi srіbnoyu Medallie. In addition rotsі Well, once Zi svoїm dvoyurіdnim brother M. Staritskim, vstupaє on prirodnichy Faculty Harkіvskogo unіversitetu. Through the Year Batko Mykoly Vіtalіyovicha pereїhali up of Kyiv, i Brati transferred from Kiev The unіversitet. In Kiєvі M. Lysenko porinaє in suspіlno cultural dіyalnіst.Vzhe in studentskі Rocky Mikola Vіtalіyovich zbiraє dovkola currently lyubitelіv muzyky i organіzovuє studentsky choir repertoire yakogo skladaєtsya perevazhno h of Ukrainian folk pіsen, the stored i opratsovanih fox.Zakіnchivshi prirodnichy Faculty unіversitetu i Zahist magіstersku disertatsіyu, Lysenko virіshuє pov'yazati its share s muzichnim Mistetstvo.Protyagom 1867-1869 rokіv Mikola Vіtalіyovich navchaєtsya in Leyptsіgskіy konservatorії. An hour perebuvannya in Leipzig Mikola Vіtalіyovich target dosit bagato: opublіkuvav Dvi zbіrki folk pіsen for voice s suprovodom fortepіano, number romansіv the words of Taras Shevchenko, a string quartet, for trіo dvoh i violins viola, the overture to the topic narodnoї pisni "Oh zapiv Kozak, washed down with "i" Yunatsku simfonіyu "," Ukraїnsku syuїtu in formі starovinnih tantsіv on osnovі pіsen folk. "By zakіnchennі navchannya in konservatorії M. Lysenko povertaєtsya up Ukraine on oselyaєtsya i have Kiєvі. Vіn zdobuvaє viznannya pіanіst Yak-i vikonavets teacher. Organіzovuє h i daє lyubitelіv choir concert slov'yanskoї narodnoї Music. Zapisuє Folk Songs, zokrema od spіvachki Melanії Zagorskoї. Well Todі znayomitsya s vіdomim Kobzarem Ostap Veresaєm. About Yogo repertoire, style vikonannya Lysenko Pichet Naukova Pratzen "Characteristics of Ukrainian muzichnih Especially doom i pіsen, vikonuvanih Kobzarem Veresaєm."
Nagaina is a female black cobra and a main antagonist of Rudyard Kipling's story, Rikki- Tikki-Tavi , and the animated short based off it. Nagaina was the wife of Nag and an enemy of Rikki-Tikki-Tavi the mongoose. The pair terrorized a Britsh family's garden in India and were often at odds with Rikki-Tikki, the family's pet. When Nag was killed by Rikki- Tikki, Nagaina swore revenge, but thought that the man and his gun were the cause of her husband's death. She approached the family while they were having tea, and was about to kill them when Rikki-Tikki showed up, one of Nagaina's eggs in his mouth. He had already crushed all of her other eggs. She turned on him and stole the egg back. Rikki- Tikki chased her down into her hole, and killed her there. Надеюсь, что
antagonist of Rudyard Kipling's story, Rikki-
Tikki-Tavi , and the animated short based off
Nagaina was the wife of Nag and an enemy of
Rikki-Tikki-Tavi the mongoose. The pair
terrorized a Britsh family's garden in India
and were often at odds with Rikki-Tikki, the
family's pet. When Nag was killed by Rikki-
Tikki, Nagaina swore revenge, but thought
that the man and his gun were the cause of
her husband's death. She approached the
family while they were having tea, and was
about to kill them when Rikki-Tikki showed
up, one of Nagaina's eggs in his mouth. He
had already crushed all of her other eggs. She
turned on him and stole the egg back. Rikki-
Tikki chased her down into her hole, and killed
her there.
Надеюсь, что