1. The problem was how to explain everything to her. 2. The last thing she wanted was to have the matter betrayed at least some publicity. 3. The book was very difficult to type. Two times she was not allowed to censor. 4. It is not safe to live in this area. 5. It was very pleasant to listen to music. 6. It is very difficult to talk to her when she is in such a mood. 7. My house is conveniently located, it is always easy to find. 8. It is convenient to begin with this. 9.Such a concert is not interesting to listen to in the recording. It is better to go to the concert hall. 10. Dictionaries are often useful to read at leisure. 11. It was funny to look at. Practice section 12. The only thing she was afraid of is that the child does not get lost. 13. Her first desire was to check everything herself. 14. She believed that her main duty as hostess is to entertain guests.
Winter is quite mild, without severe frosts. The average winter temperature is about 10-15 degrees below zero. In the summer the weather is usually warm. The average temperature is 24-30 degrees above zero. Spring weather can be cold, windy, rainy, Sunny all in one day. Very warm enough, in the end she is cold. As Ukraine is quite large country, the climate in different regions is different. The coldest region in the North. The hottest in the South. In the Central part the climate is temperate continental. The climate on the territory along the black sea and the Azov leek is much warmer. The Crimean and Carpathian mountains greatly affect the climate of Ukraine as They defend the country from the winds.