About, over, after, beside, between, down, into, out, outside, by, above , at
There are flowers in the vase.
There is a table in the room.
There is a cat on sofa.
There are two books on the shelf.
There are many hotels in Moscow.
There is a tea on the table.
There are many people.
There are many block of flats in my street.
There is dog on the carpet.
There are alot of books in my bag.
About, over, after, beside, between, down, into, out, outside, by, above , at
There are flowers in the vase.
There is a table in the room.
There is a cat on sofa.
There are two books on the shelf.
There are many hotels in Moscow.
There is a tea on the table.
There are many people.
There are many block of flats in my street.
There is dog on the carpet.
There are alot of books in my bag.