Batman - a fictional character and superhero of comic books of publisher DS Comics, created back in 1939, but still is one of the most popular characters. About him constantly there are made movies and cartoons. Unlike most superheroes, Batman does not have supernormal abilities, but an ordinary person. He uses his mind, resourcefulness, good physical training to deal with criminals. In ordinary life, he is a billionaire and one of the most distinguished rich people of the city of Gotham. This helps him greatly to hide his identity and use the latest technical developments for his mission. Batman never kills his enemies, never takes revenge. His main goal in life is to defeat all the villains of his hometown and to enable residents to live a happy and peaceful life.
1. Everybody was laughing merrily while Harris (told/was telling) them a funny story. (оба возможны)
2. My nephew (is looking) for another job these days. He wants to work at night.
3. Willy (has not heard) from his Uncle Alex since the latter immigrated to Canada.
4. Many students (learn) a second foreign language, such as German, French.
5. As the President (had entered) the hall, all the guests (rose) to their feet to welcome him.
6. I found the way to her house quite easily because Nora (had described) it to me very well.