Составьте 10 вопросов (по два вопроса разных типов – общие, специальные, вопросы к подлежащему, альтернативные, разделительные) к тексту на английском языке. 1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of four main countries which are: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are: London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast. The UK is an island state, it is composed of some 5500 islands, large and small.
2. The UK is one of the world’s smaller countries. It is situated off the northwest coast of Europe between the Atlantic Ocean to the north and the North Sea to the east, and is separated from the continent by the English Channel and the Strait of Dover.
3. One can see two animals on British royal coat of arms. One of them is the lion. The “King of beast” has been used as a symbol of national strength and of the British monarchy for many centuries. The other one is the unicorn. It is a mythical animal that looks a horse with a long straight horn growing from its forehead, and is a symbol of purity.
4. The formal name of the British national flag is Union Jack. It combines the St. George’s cross of England, St. Andrew’s cross of Scotland and St. Patrick’s cross of Ireland. The United Kingdom or UK is a political term. All of four countries are represented in Parliament and the abbreviation UK is used on most official documents.
5. The class system is very important in Britain. It is created by complex system of accents, school and family. Social position is often based on the traditions or history of the family, not is money. Many people’s class can be identified immediately by the way they speak.
6. Britain is split up into counties. County councils are elected to run things, such as education, housing, town planning, rubbish disposal.
7. Britain is a constitutional monarchy. But the monarch’s constitutional role is mainly symbolic.
Dear Robert,
Thanks a lot for your email. I was very glad to get it.
My road home was safe and quick. So, I got home safe and sound. As for me, it was fascinating to fly by the plane... Your family was nice. I liked both your Mum and your Dad. They were so kind to me. Your little sister, Sue is so cute and smart girl. I would like to have a sister like her. To sum up, I want to say that you and your family are really great. Once again, thanks for the hospitality. I hope that you will come to my country too, the next time and I'll show you my city and our Ukrainian (Russian) hospitality.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Mein Name ist , mein Vorname ist , ich bin ( Z.b. - am 11. Mai 1987) in geboren. Mein Vater ist von Beruf. Meine Mutter ist . Ich habe Geschwister. Mein Bruder ist Student, er studiert . Meine Schwester hat ihr Studium schon absolviert. Sie ist verheiratet und wohnt jetzt nicht bei uns.
Ich gehe in die ___. Klasse und mache mir schon Gedanken über meinen künftigen Beruf. Seit der fünften Klasse interessiere ich mich für . Ich lerne und gern. Nach dem Abschluss der Schule versuche ich auf die Universität zu gehen. Ich weiß, dasses nicht leicht ist. Darum gebe ich mir viel Mühe, möglichst besser zu lernen. Ich muss gute Kenntnisse und nur ausgezeichnete Noten in meinem Reifezeugnis haben.
Mein Hobby ist Theate. Ich besuche das Laienspielstudio, wo unsere Russischlehrerin die Leitung übernommen hat. Vor kurzem hatten wir eine Premiere. Unsere Aufführung hatte einen großen Erfolg. Die Zuschauer waren begeistert, glaube ich, sehr lange klatschten sie Beifall. Ich lese viel, besonders gern Abenteuergeschichten und Liebesromane.
Zu Hause helfe ich meiner Mutter, unseren Häushalt zu führen, ich kaufe ein, koche, räume die Wohnung auf, decke den Tisch, ich bin froh, dass ich auch viele Freunde habe, die mir im Leben oft helfen.