"There is no reliable weather in England. The streets are foggy and foggy all year round. Even local drinkers have dull and wet eyes. In addition, it smokes and smokes pipes of factories and plants in London.
Mostly garbage trucks drive the streets everywhere. Sometimes there are also employees with carts full of manure. Therefore, everywhere in the air hangs the corresponding "aroma".
English is full of dull and obscure sounds, and talking on it looks like an eerie mixture of croaking, whistling and spitting.
The political situation in England leaves much to be desired. In parliament, a continuous debate, usually about taxes, some mythical national debt, plus another about some other own debt. Yeah, and about the reforms! Where without them ... There is no freedom as such. There is only freedom of freedom. And that on paper.
The economy is on the verge of collapse: coal is getting more expensive with every denm, taxes are growing astronomically, meat has completely disappeared in the steaks. But the lists of bankrupt are growing, about which hourly howls and newspapers are howling and holy. Among the bankrupt is also the once-powerful English fleet.
English women are as cold as the climate. True, there are exceptions, but all of them (exceptions) have long been in France or Italy ... "
1) My friend plays basketball regularly. 2) She can read in English but very slowly. 3) The man talked to us kindly. 4) I answered the teacher’s question easily. 5) We usually don’t go to the cinema without our parents. 6) It was a cold day, and I dressed warmly. 7) They wrote the test successfully.
Все эти слова образованы с суффикса -ly. Т. е. мы просто добавляем к данным словам этот суффикс. Например (for example):
bad (плохой) - badly (плохо)
slow (медленный) - slowly (медленно)
Но если данное прилагательное оканчиваается на букву y, то тогда эта буква будет меняться на букву i. Например (for example):
easy (легкий) - easily (легко)
И есть такое слово-исключение: silly (глупый), потому что если мы захотим сказать слово "глупо", то тогда оно не изменится, оно так и останется словом silly.
"There is no reliable weather in England. The streets are foggy and foggy all year round. Even local drinkers have dull and wet eyes. In addition, it smokes and smokes pipes of factories and plants in London.
Mostly garbage trucks drive the streets everywhere. Sometimes there are also employees with carts full of manure. Therefore, everywhere in the air hangs the corresponding "aroma".
English is full of dull and obscure sounds, and talking on it looks like an eerie mixture of croaking, whistling and spitting.
The political situation in England leaves much to be desired. In parliament, a continuous debate, usually about taxes, some mythical national debt, plus another about some other own debt. Yeah, and about the reforms! Where without them ... There is no freedom as such. There is only freedom of freedom. And that on paper.
The economy is on the verge of collapse: coal is getting more expensive with every denm, taxes are growing astronomically, meat has completely disappeared in the steaks. But the lists of bankrupt are growing, about which hourly howls and newspapers are howling and holy. Among the bankrupt is also the once-powerful English fleet.
English women are as cold as the climate. True, there are exceptions, but all of them (exceptions) have long been in France or Italy ... "
1) My friend plays basketball regularly. 2) She can read in English but very slowly. 3) The man talked to us kindly. 4) I answered the teacher’s question easily. 5) We usually don’t go to the cinema without our parents. 6) It was a cold day, and I dressed warmly. 7) They wrote the test successfully.
Все эти слова образованы с суффикса -ly. Т. е. мы просто добавляем к данным словам этот суффикс. Например (for example):
bad (плохой) - badly (плохо)
slow (медленный) - slowly (медленно)
Но если данное прилагательное оканчиваается на букву y, то тогда эта буква будет меняться на букву i. Например (for example):
easy (легкий) - easily (легко)
И есть такое слово-исключение: silly (глупый), потому что если мы захотим сказать слово "глупо", то тогда оно не изменится, оно так и останется словом silly.