Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle was a Scottish physician writer, most noted for his stories about the detective Sherlock Holmes, which are considered a major innovation in the field of crime fiction, and for the adventures of Professor Challenger. Sherlock Holmes stories have been translated into more than fifty languages. His other works include science fiction stories, historical novels, plays, romances, poetry, and non-fiction. By 1920 Doyle was one of the most highly paid writers in the world.Conan Doyle was born on May 22, 1859, in Edinburgh, Scotland. At the age of nine Arthur was sent to study at Jesuit boarding school. It was during those difficult years that Arthur realized he had a talent for storytelling. Later he used his friends and teachers from Stonyhurst College as models for his characters in the Holmes stories. Doyle studied at Edinburgh University and in 1884 he married Louise Hawkins.Doyle qualified as doctor in 1885. After graduation he practiced medicine as an eye specialist until 1891 when he became a full time writer. In March 1886, Conan Doyle started writing the novel which catapulted him to fame. The novel A Study in Scarlet which introduced us to the immortal Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson was published in 1887. The second Sherlock Holmes story was The Sign of the Four. The Strand Magazine started to publish ‘The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes’ from July 1891. Holmes’s address at Mrs. Hudson’s house, 221B Baker Street, London, is the most famous London street in literature.
Известный факт: до того как стать всемирно известным писателем, Конан Дойль был врачом. В 1881 году он закончил Медицинскую школу Эдинбургского университета, однако явно был невысокого мнения о своих врачебных навыках и в честь получения дипломов бакалавра медицины и магистра хирургии даже нарисовал на себя карикатуру: счастливый доктор Конан Дойль размахивает дипломом, а внизу подпись: «Лицензия на убийство».
Первое время он вел со своим однокурсником совместную практику в Плимуте, затем решил, что пора начать собственное дело, и в 1882 году переехал в Портсмут. Снял дом, кое-как обустроил приемную и стал ждать пациентов. Пациентов не было. В Англии действовал закон, запрещающий врачам предлагать свои услуги в газетах и объявлениях, клиентов надо было искать через знакомых. Поняв, что придется расширять социальные связи, Конан Дойль решил прибегнуть к испробованному спорту.
Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle was a Scottish physician writer, most noted for his stories about the detective Sherlock Holmes, which are considered a major innovation in the field of crime fiction, and for the adventures of Professor Challenger. Sherlock Holmes stories have been translated into more than fifty languages. His other works include science fiction stories, historical novels, plays, romances, poetry, and non-fiction. By 1920 Doyle was one of the most highly paid writers in the world.Conan Doyle was born on May 22, 1859, in Edinburgh, Scotland. At the age of nine Arthur was sent to study at Jesuit boarding school. It was during those difficult years that Arthur realized he had a talent for storytelling. Later he used his friends and teachers from Stonyhurst College as models for his characters in the Holmes stories. Doyle studied at Edinburgh University and in 1884 he married Louise Hawkins.Doyle qualified as doctor in 1885. After graduation he practiced medicine as an eye specialist until 1891 when he became a full time writer. In March 1886, Conan Doyle started writing the novel which catapulted him to fame. The novel A Study in Scarlet which introduced us to the immortal Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson was published in 1887. The second Sherlock Holmes story was The Sign of the Four. The Strand Magazine started to publish ‘The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes’ from July 1891. Holmes’s address at Mrs. Hudson’s house, 221B Baker Street, London, is the most famous London street in literature.
Известный факт: до того как стать всемирно известным писателем, Конан Дойль был врачом. В 1881 году он закончил Медицинскую школу Эдинбургского университета, однако явно был невысокого мнения о своих врачебных навыках и в честь получения дипломов бакалавра медицины и магистра хирургии даже нарисовал на себя карикатуру: счастливый доктор Конан Дойль размахивает дипломом, а внизу подпись: «Лицензия на убийство».
Первое время он вел со своим однокурсником совместную практику в Плимуте, затем решил, что пора начать собственное дело, и в 1882 году переехал в Портсмут. Снял дом, кое-как обустроил приемную и стал ждать пациентов. Пациентов не было. В Англии действовал закон, запрещающий врачам предлагать свои услуги в газетах и объявлениях, клиентов надо было искать через знакомых. Поняв, что придется расширять социальные связи, Конан Дойль решил прибегнуть к испробованному спорту.