Составьте по 3 предложения с каждым словосочетанием, выражая будущее время разными
Example: They will have a party next week.
They are going to have a birthday party.
They are having a party at 6.30 tomorrow.
to have a party
to leave for Moscow
to travel by fast train
to listen to an opera
to move on a new cottage
to go to New Zealand
to arrive in New York
to come to her friend
to visit Trafalgar Square
Заполните пробелы предлогами времени.
Это был один из моих обычных дней. Я встал в 7 часов утра, умылся, оделся и позавтракал - 7.30. Затем я пошел в свой офис. Там я работал с документами до 1 часа дня. Потом пообедал _ 1.30. После этого я просмотрел свой дневник и увидел, что у меня важная встреча с моими товарищами _ 15:00. в кафе _ понедельник днем. У меня было мало времени. Я очень торопился и забыл взять с собой важные документы. Я был вынужден вернуться в свой офис. Как вы могли догадаться, я опоздал. Это было ужасно! Я пришел в кафе _ 20 минут. К счастью, мои товарищи все еще были здесь. Я извинился за опоздание. Потом мы обсудили несколько вопросов. Это был тяжелый день.
3. It was a bank.
4. He got to know a number of rich businessmen because he was known as a clerk in a well-known film and they considered him to be a most reliable person, moreover, his position grew more responsible, which was important.
5. He was considered to be a most reliable person.
6. Frank took a big interest in his father's business, which pleased the old man. He enjoyed watching the quick exchange of bills.
7. The boy gained a wide knowledge of the condition of the country financially by inspecting where all the different kinds of money came from, and what the men did with all the money they received and by his father, who was glad to explain his son the ins and outs of the business.
He was interested in stocks and bonds, and he learned that some stocks and bonds were not even worth the paper they were written on, and others were worth much more than their face value showed.
8. Young Frank thought his father to be too honest and too careful.
9. The boy was willing to finish school and get to work - he wished to work with money and become a banker.
Yes, his plans truly were associated with banking.