Составьте рассказ, отвечая на во про выдающуюся личность современности. The famous person’s name.
When and where he/she was born?
Where does she /he live?
What does she/he do?
How does she/he look like?
Why do you like this person?
Do you know what does she/he like doing?
Why is he/she famous?
Name three major accomplishments (movies, hit songs, albums, awards)
scotland the beautiful he who has not seen scotland does not really know great britain
scotland is a country in the united kingdom to the north of england
the symbol of scotland is a thistle saint patron of scotland is st andrew
the country is divided into highlands and lowlands
most of the industry is concentrated in lowlands, in the clyde valley
glasgow is its largest and busiest town edinburgh is its capital
glasgow and edinburgh are the two great centers of scotland. there is only 45 miles between them, and it will take you about an hour to get from glasgow to edinburgh by train but the cities are very different glasgow edinburgh
my name is ann. i am thirteen years old. i study at the seventh grade. we have a lot of interesting subjects at school: the russian language, literature, mathematics, history, physics, chemistry and others. some pupils prefer to learn foreign languages, literature, history; others tend to learning of physics, chemistry, and mathematics etc.
my favorite subject is english. nowadays the english language is the language of culture, politics, and international relations. the english language is taught in the kindergartens, schools and universities.
also we shouldn’t forget that english is the language of great english and american literature. we all know such great writers like william shakespeare, daniel defoe, agatha christie, etc. but not everyone can read the works of these great writers in the original.
i try to learn a lot of words, read books, newspapers and magazines in english, listen to english songs and teaching cassettes. our teacher of english is very experienced. during our lessons, we read, write, repeat words and ask questions.
i hope that i will speak english very well in the future. the knowledge of language helps people from different countries to communicate with each other, write letters or just travel.
i think that at the present time the knowledge of a foreign language is necessary for every person.
меня зовут анна. мне 13 лет. я учусь в 7 классе. в школе у нас много интересных предметов: язык, , , , , и другие. некоторые ученики предпочитают изучать иностранные языки, , ; другие склоняются к изучению , , и т.д.
моим любимым предметом является язык. сейчас язык – это язык культуры, политики, международных отношений. язык преподается в детских садах, школах и университетах.
также нельзя забывать о том, что язык – язык великой . все мы знаем таких великих писателей, как уильям шекспир, даниэль дефо, агата кристи и т.д. но не все могут читать произведения этих великих писателей в оригинале.
я стараюсь учить много слов, читать книги, газеты и журналы на языке, слушать песни и обучающие кассеты. наш преподаватель языка – опытный педагог. на уроках мы читаем, пишем, повторяем слова и задаем вопросы.
я надеюсь, что в будущем я буду хорошо говорить на языке. знание языка людям из разных стран общаться друг с другом, писать письма и просто путешествовать.
я думаю, что в настоящее время знание иностранного языка необходимо для каждого из нас.