Составьте рассказ про фильм по плану 1. the type of film 2.the time when it appeared 3. the film derecter 4. the story line in short 5. some of the actors and their performance 6. the message of the film 7. the narrator's impression
At several schools worldwide, students are required to wear school uniforms. In some schools or universities, uniforms are not required as this is part of the decision of the school or the parents. On the other hand, wearing school uniform does have its pros and cons. Read on to know some of the advantages and disadvantages of school uniform.
One of the main advantages of school uniforms is the reality that every student looks the same. Students who don’t have enough means to buy expensive and fashionable clothes can surely benefit from this. Parents also save quite a bit of money, not having to buy the latest clothing for their child. School uniforms are a form of unity in the school, wherein the student wears the same uniform that gives them the identity. This surely gives them the identity from other school. If you are wearing the uniform that identifies you with a certain university or school, people will able to distinguish you.Another advantage of wearing school uniform is you can feel proud because of the feeling that you belong to a certain school. Just wearing the uniform together with its logo can provide you the best chance to feel proud of your school.Wearing school uniform is also important for you to save time changing clothes or outfits because you are trying to figure out the right combination of shirt, pants, blouse or skirt. This makes it easy for you to save time because you just need to wear your uniform when going to school.You don’t have to compete with your classmates because everyone wears the same thing. This is very common especially for high school and college students. In order to “fit in” many people feel pressured to buy expensive clothing.
For fashion aficionado, wearing school uniform suppresses their way to express themselves. School uniform prevents them from wearing the clothes they want to wear.Some students are also not comfortable with uniforms as you cannot just pick them from your closet. Usually, it will require you to iron them, so that you will not go to school wearing crumpled uniform. This will require some of your time just to prepare your uniform in the next day.Another disadvantage of school uniform is that you are unable to show your personality through your clothing. You are not able to demonstrate your sense of fashion or style.You also need to purchase 2 or 3 sets of school uniform especially if your school is 6 days a week. If you don’t have enough money to buy uniform you need to wash them every day for you to enter the school.In conclusion, wearing school uniform is the requirement of any school that you should not object. Even if you don’t like it, always follow the regulations of your school.
1. Фил кирпич сидел за следующим столом в Maison Basque, ел горькую маленькую клубнику, которая так дешева в Провансе и так очень дорога на Довер-стрит.
2. Один за другим девушки показывали: «Имя?» - сказала Марго. «Помпилия де ла Конрадин». Марго записала это. 'Настоящее имя?' - Бесси Браун.
3. Марго и Пол отправились в Лондон, чтобы договориться о свадьбе, которая, вопреки всем разумным ожиданиям, решила Марго, должна была состояться в церкви со всеми варварскими соратниками подружек невесты, Мендельсона и мумии.
4. Оксфорд стоит? Насколько я могу судить по собственному опыту и опыту моих друзей, это, конечно, нет. Из моих одноклассников только один зарабатывает «реальные деньги»; он кинозвезда в Голливуде; кстати, его отправили за то, что он не смог пройти свои предварительные школы.
5. Голливуд сделал свой бизнес бизнесом в половине мира. Тем не менее, у великих пахидердеров киноиндустрии нет подозрений, что в большинстве стран Америки и всей Европы слово «Голливуд» является уничижительным.
6. Еще одним новым прибытием, которое вызвало у нас определенную проблему, так или иначе, была Далила. Она была крупной женской африканской хохлатой дикобразом, и она подошла к аэропорту в ящике, который выглядел подходящим для пары носорогов.
7. В Англии первой половины столетия была опубликована серия архитектурных проектов для использования провинциальных строителей и частных покровителей, представляющих здания разных размеров от ворот-лоджей до особняков, украшенных в разных «стилях», Палладио, Греческий, готический, даже китайский.
At several schools worldwide, students are required to wear school uniforms. In some schools or universities, uniforms are not required as this is part of the decision of the school or the parents. On the other hand, wearing school uniform does have its pros and cons. Read on to know some of the advantages and disadvantages of school uniform.
ADVANTAGES OF SCHOOL UNIFORMOne of the main advantages of school uniforms is the reality that every student looks the same. Students who don’t have enough means to buy expensive and fashionable clothes can surely benefit from this. Parents also save quite a bit of money, not having to buy the latest clothing for their child. School uniforms are a form of unity in the school, wherein the student wears the same uniform that gives them the identity. This surely gives them the identity from other school. If you are wearing the uniform that identifies you with a certain university or school, people will able to distinguish you.Another advantage of wearing school uniform is you can feel proud because of the feeling that you belong to a certain school. Just wearing the uniform together with its logo can provide you the best chance to feel proud of your school.Wearing school uniform is also important for you to save time changing clothes or outfits because you are trying to figure out the right combination of shirt, pants, blouse or skirt. This makes it easy for you to save time because you just need to wear your uniform when going to school.You don’t have to compete with your classmates because everyone wears the same thing. This is very common especially for high school and college students. In order to “fit in” many people feel pressured to buy expensive clothing.
DISADVANTAGES OF SCHOOL UNIFORMFor fashion aficionado, wearing school uniform suppresses their way to express themselves. School uniform prevents them from wearing the clothes they want to wear.Some students are also not comfortable with uniforms as you cannot just pick them from your closet. Usually, it will require you to iron them, so that you will not go to school wearing crumpled uniform. This will require some of your time just to prepare your uniform in the next day.Another disadvantage of school uniform is that you are unable to show your personality through your clothing. You are not able to demonstrate your sense of fashion or style.You also need to purchase 2 or 3 sets of school uniform especially if your school is 6 days a week. If you don’t have enough money to buy uniform you need to wash them every day for you to enter the school.In conclusion, wearing school uniform is the requirement of any school that you should not object. Even if you don’t like it, always follow the regulations of your school.
2. Один за другим девушки показывали: «Имя?» - сказала Марго. «Помпилия де ла Конрадин». Марго записала это. 'Настоящее имя?' - Бесси Браун.
3. Марго и Пол отправились в Лондон, чтобы договориться о свадьбе, которая, вопреки всем разумным ожиданиям, решила Марго, должна была состояться в церкви со всеми варварскими соратниками подружек невесты, Мендельсона и мумии.
4. Оксфорд стоит? Насколько я могу судить по собственному опыту и опыту моих друзей, это, конечно, нет. Из моих одноклассников только один зарабатывает «реальные деньги»; он кинозвезда в Голливуде; кстати, его отправили за то, что он не смог пройти свои предварительные школы.
5. Голливуд сделал свой бизнес бизнесом в половине мира. Тем не менее, у великих пахидердеров киноиндустрии нет подозрений, что в большинстве стран Америки и всей Европы слово «Голливуд» является уничижительным.
6. Еще одним новым прибытием, которое вызвало у нас определенную проблему, так или иначе, была Далила. Она была крупной женской африканской хохлатой дикобразом, и она подошла к аэропорту в ящике, который выглядел подходящим для пары носорогов.
7. В Англии первой половины столетия была опубликована серия архитектурных проектов для использования провинциальных строителей и частных покровителей, представляющих здания разных размеров от ворот-лоджей до особняков, украшенных в разных «стилях», Палладио, Греческий, готический, даже китайский.