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09.11.2021 13:00 •  Английский язык

Speak about your native place and say why it’s dear to you (10–12 sentences).

Задание 2

Установите соответствие между текстами A–G и заголовками 1–8. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1 Getting organized

2. Great defeat

3. Various origins

4. Safe rules

5. A ball fit to play

6. Duties to perform

7. Ladies join in

8. A way they used to do this

A. The first mention of anything like football comes from China in the 2nd and 3rd centuries BC. Written reports of a game known as “cuju” describe a military training exercise which involved kicking a leather ball through a target, whilst being attacked by opponents. The game closest to the modern sport developed in Britain over the last 1500 years or so. Its roots are unclear, although some say they are Anglo-Saxon, while others say Celtic.

B. It is generally accepted that the first officially arranged league was the English Football League, formed at the end of the 19th century. It consisted of 12 top-level football clubs, all of which were based in the North and the Midlands of England. Games played in the English Football League are the oldest systematic competition of such kind in world football. However, one hundred years later, the top clubs split away to form the Premier League.

C. By comparison with modern football, the medieval football matches were chaotic and had few rules. Usually it was played between neighboring towns and villages and involved an unlimited number of players on opposing teams, who clashed trying to drag an inflated pig’s bladder by any means possible to markers at either end of a town. Sometimes instead of markers, the teams kicked the bladder into the balcony of the opponents’ church. 22

D. There are four basic positions: goalkeeper, defender, midfielder and forward. The goalkeeper’s primary responsibility is to prevent goals. Defenders are in control of keeping the opposing team from scoring possible goals. Midfielders are the link between the defense and the attack, which means that they can help the attack or the defense, or both. Forwards score goals or help other teammates do so.

E. The official size of a football is not more than 70 centimeters, or 27 inches, and not less than 68 centimeters, or 26 inches. In case a question arises about whether or not a particular game ball meets the measurement standards, the conflict is always referred to FIFA, the world football governing organization and the ultimate authority on the game and its rules. Then FIFA decides if the dimensions are acceptable according to the official published rules of the game.

F. In the Middle Ages, while most reports spoke of men playing football, a few stories mentioned women playing as well. French women were known to play side-by-side with their husbands. Amongst Scottish women there was an annual competition near Mid-Lothian, Scotland. One of the biggest problems for women when it came to playing football was that the sport was quite violent, especially considering a clear set of rules did not yet exist. G. The highest scoring football game was 149-0. The event occurred in 2002 after a 2-2 draw between rival

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02.12.2021 09:34

On one of the highest places in Donetsk region (near the city of Shakhtersk) is a mound called Saur-Grave. The height of the mound above sea level is 277.9 meters.

This mound is nothing but the remains of one of the spurs of the Donetsk ridge, which over time was blurred. It consists of a mound of sandstone, but sometimes there are also rhinestones of rock crystal.

It is believed that in the second millennium BC, in the Bronze Age, tribes of log culture was poured the top of the mound. Now the upper embankment has a height of four meters and a diameter of 32 meters.

Presumably its name Saur, the mound received from the Turkic word "saur", which literally translated as "steppe height with a rounded top in the form of horse groats. According to folk legends, it is the name of the man Saur, who was either a Cossack or a folk avenger.

Kurgan Saur-Grave is a part of the regional landscape park "Donetsk Kryazh".

During the Great Patriotic War, there were fierce battles for tactically important heights. The German command installed many defensive structures, dugouts and zots, which were located in several tiers. When taking this height, 23,238 Soviet soldiers and officers were killed.

After the war, the place was transformed into the Saur-Grave memorial complex in memory of the dead soldiers. Every year on May 9, war veterans and everyone who wants to honor the memory of people who sacrificed their lives for victory gather here.

On the lower observation deck of the Saur-Grave complex there are samples of military equipment from the Great Patriotic War. And at the very top of the mound is a 36-meter obelisk, inside which is a room of military glory with a small exposition.

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1. ...It is being repairEd now.

В вопросе настоящее время (is), в ответе тоже настоящее

2. I kept looking round, because I thought I was being  followed.

В первой части предложения во второй

3. We had to keep very quiet while the students were being examinEd.

В первой части во второй

4. I can’t use my office this week because it is being paintEd.

В первой части настоящее (can’t)

5. ...She is being interviewEd.

В вопросе настоящее (is)

6. They say they‘ll put things righ, but nothing were being done.

Косвенная речь

7. I had to wait for a few minutes while the papers were being translatEd.

В первой части предложения

8. Why do I always feel nervous while my passport is being checkEd.

В первой части - настоящее (do; always)

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