1. People who play a game are players. Замість players там було sportsmen, що є невірно.
2. Two players playing with each other are partners. Замість partners було opponents що також є не вірно. (далі буду писати слово яке замінив і яке було)
3. Athletics is the queen of all sports. Athletics + - Gymnastics.
4.The most popular sport is athletics. Athletics+ -tennis.
5. Athletics comprises suck kinds of sports as running, jumping ... Правильне можна не міняти.
6. International championships take place from time to time. по суті не треба міняти бо час від часу може бути 4 роки. Можна не міняти.
7. По суті також правильне. Я б не міняв бо в тексті пише що можуть виграти медалі золоті і т.д. а в реченні зо змагаються тисячі атлетів в різних змаганнях але за що ? За перемогу - медалі.
8. The Olympic Games are organized every foru years. + four years -five years.
9. Only the best may/can take part in the Olympic Games. Хочеш то або то.
1. People who play a game are players. Замість players там було sportsmen, що є невірно.
2. Two players playing with each other are partners. Замість partners було opponents що також є не вірно. (далі буду писати слово яке замінив і яке було)
3. Athletics is the queen of all sports. Athletics + - Gymnastics.
4.The most popular sport is athletics. Athletics+ -tennis.
5. Athletics comprises suck kinds of sports as running, jumping ... Правильне можна не міняти.
6. International championships take place from time to time. по суті не треба міняти бо час від часу може бути 4 роки. Можна не міняти.
7. По суті також правильне. Я б не міняв бо в тексті пише що можуть виграти медалі золоті і т.д. а в реченні зо змагаються тисячі атлетів в різних змаганнях але за що ? За перемогу - медалі.
8. The Olympic Games are organized every foru years. + four years -five years.
9. Only the best may/can take part in the Olympic Games. Хочеш то або то.
10. Правильне
1. She says she always likes to work in the garden.
2. She said she liked to work in the garden the day before.
3. She says she liked to work in the garden yesterday.
4. She said she had worked in the garden lately.
5. She says she will work in the garden in a week.
6. She said she would work in the garden in a week.
7. She says she is working in the garden now.
8. She said she would work in the garden in 2 days.
9. He says he will go to school tomorrow.
10. He said he would go to school the following day.
11. He said he was going to school then.
12. He says he will go to school tomorrow.