Спереводом! i can't remember his face, but i can see his physique - he was stocky, and greyharied, quite solidy built. and i can see the way he stood, usually with a hand in his pocket, squarely, and he wore quite conservative slothes, tweedy jackets and a jumper. he was one of the few male teachers and he really did have the respect of the pupils. he was probaly in his fifties. i was in a complete tizz as to what to do when i left. all three core subjects were equally attractive. when i give talks to young people in schools, i say to them, "if you don't know what you want to do, be sure that you choose subjects you love because you will never excel at ones you don't." and that's the irony, in that i loved maths, english and art, but i ended up going sciences, partly because of mr leigh.
Я был взволнован тем, что делать когда я уйду. Все три основных предмета были привлекательны. Когда я разговариваю с молодыми людьми я говорю им "Если вы не знаете чем вы хотите заниматься - будьте уверены, что выбрали те предметы, которые вы любите, потому что вы никогда не будете преуспевать в тех, которые вы не любите". В этом то и ирония, я Любил Математику, Английский и Искусство(Рисование), но я остановился на науке, частично из-за Мистера Леа.