Спереводом rapid transit is built in large cities and has the highest capacity of any passenger transport system. it is grade separated and commonly built underground or elevated. at street level, smaller trams can be used. light rails are upgraded trams that have step-free access, their own way and sometimes sections underground. monorail systems operate as elevated, medium capacity systems. a people mover is a driverless, grade-separated train that serves only a few stations, of as a shuttle. high-speed rail operate at much higher speeds than conventional railways, the limit being regarded at 200 to 320 km/h. high-speed trains are used mostly for long-haul service, and most systems are in western europe and east asia. the speed record is 574.8 km/h, set by a modified french magnetic levitation trains such as the shanghai airport train use under-riding magnets which attract themselves upward towards the underside of a guide way, and this line has achieved somewhat higher peak speeds in day-to-day operation than conventional high-speed railways, although only over short distances.