Steven Lindale is a professor in the department of medicine at the University of Lund in Sweden. He trained in 1 medicine and became
interested in the effects of diets on our health. He has investigated a Stone Age
diet, that is, the food people ate thousands of years ago. As a result of his 2
he decided to test 3___ in Sweden to see how ancient diets could affect them.
Fourteen patients in his experiment 4 a Stone Age diet while another
fourteen people followed a Mediterranean diet, which is also 5_ with lots of
fruit and vegetables. All of the patients in the test had high blood sugar 6
the majority of them suffered from diabetes, and they all had problems with their
At the end of three months, the group which followed the Mediterranean
diet had 8_ their blood sugar levels by a small amount, but the other group
had reduced such levels by a very large amount. The patients in both groups
prad lost weight and had become much healthier.
3. I wondered if it had been possible to get seats for the new performance.
4. I wondered if Diana had ever been to the Bolshoi box office.
5. I wondered if the dramatist was writing a new comedy then.
6. I wondered if everyone had noticed the elegance of the scenery on the stage.
7. I wondered why there was so much cruelty in the film.
8. I wondered how long the intervals between the acts were.
9. I wondered if Maria had received my e-mail the day before.
10. I wondered to what theatre they had gone in the first place.
11. I wondered how we could reply to that greeting.
12. I wondered how many people the theatre could hold.