Study the key phrases put them in the order of the text then read the model text again and check your answers. План 1. Введение 2. Действия- что произошло? 3. Действия-что произошло далее и что сказали люди, к которым вы обратились 4. Заключение- что произошло в конце и какой опыт вы приобрели, какие эмоции и чувства испытали Проверка: Вводные слова (зелёная рамочка) стр. 51 (6 слов) Наличие пунктуации в прямой речи Написание эссе в времени
I like Science, especially Biology because it makes you understand how everything works in the world. - Я люблю науку, особенно биологию потому, что она позволяет понять как все в мире работает. I also like English because it's easy to learn and it's the most useful foreign language. - Я так же люблю английский потому, что его легко учить и это самый полезный иностранный язык. My favourite subject is Maths. It makes you more intellectual and develops your logical thinking. - Мой любимый предмет - это математика. Она позволяет тебе стать более разумным и развивает логическое мышление.
A plumber {came) to our house yesterday. He {wanted) to repair our washing machine that (had broken) a few days before. Before he {rang) at my door, he {had looked) for a parking space in the street. While the plumber {was repairing) the washing machine, I (was watching) the news. Suddenly, I {realised) that they {were showing) our street on TV. The reporter {said) that a car {had crashed) into a stop sign just before reaching the crossroads. While I {was listening) carefully to what (had happened), someone (knocked) at my door. I {opened) the door and {saw) a police officer standing there. He {asked) for the plumber. As it {turned) out, it {was) our plumber’s car that {had rolled) down the street. In his haste, the plumber {had forgotten) to put the handbrake on. 1. I was exhausted at the end of the exam. I (had been writing) too much. 2. When thieves stole my favourite leather jacket, I was really upset. I (had had) it for over ten years. 3. Please step out of the car, Mr. Jones. Do you realise you (have beeb driving) at over 90 mph? 4. We didn't really want to go and see the musical again. We had (already seen) it twice - so we (said) "no" and we (went) to a restaurant instead! 5. I arrived over an hour late to the office and everyone was working. Actually, they had just (started) to work on a new project and I (felt) really guilty. 6. The kitchen was full of steam when we arrived. Joan (was) in the kitchen and she (was cooking) a huge meal for everyone at the party. 7. It was a bit em barrassing to arrive at their house and find Mary looking so sad. 1 think she (had been crying) before we (got) there. 8. No-one even noticed when I got home. They (were all watching) the big game on TV.
I also like English because it's easy to learn and it's the most useful foreign language. - Я так же люблю английский потому, что его легко учить и это самый полезный иностранный язык.
My favourite subject is Maths. It makes you more intellectual and develops your logical thinking. - Мой любимый предмет - это математика. Она позволяет тебе стать более разумным и развивает логическое мышление.
repair our washing machine that (had broken) a few days before.
Before he {rang) at my door, he {had looked) for a parking space
in the street. While the plumber {was repairing) the washing machine,
I (was watching) the news. Suddenly, I {realised) that they
{were showing) our street on TV. The reporter {said) that a car
{had crashed) into a stop sign just before reaching the crossroads.
While I {was listening) carefully to what (had happened), someone
(knocked) at my door. I {opened) the door and {saw) a police
officer standing there. He {asked) for the plumber. As
it {turned) out, it {was) our plumber’s car that {had rolled) down
the street. In his haste, the plumber {had forgotten) to put
the handbrake on.
1. I was exhausted at the end of the exam. I (had been writing) too much.
2. When thieves stole my favourite leather jacket, I was really upset. I (had had) it for over ten years.
3. Please step out of the car, Mr. Jones. Do you realise you
(have beeb driving) at over 90 mph?
4. We didn't really want to go and see the musical again.
We had (already seen) it twice - so we (said) "no" and we (went) to
a restaurant instead!
5. I arrived over an hour late to the office and everyone was
working. Actually, they had just (started) to work on a new
project and I (felt) really guilty.
6. The kitchen was full of steam when we arrived. Joan (was)
in the kitchen and she (was cooking) a huge meal for everyone
at the party.
7. It was a bit em barrassing to arrive
at their house and find Mary
looking so sad. 1 think she (had been crying)
before we (got) there.
8. No-one even noticed
when I got home.
They (were all watching) the
big game on TV.