1.Without any reason, the customer returned the goods that we had delivered (deliver) . 2.Before Ellen could say anything, Cindy had hung up (hang up) the phone.
3.When William was employed, I had already worked (work / already) here for three years.
4.I had just started (start / just) to type the letter, when the phone rang.
5.When I sent the mail, I realised that I had forgotten (forget) to attach the file.
6.Sue and Tom are best friends, though before the meeting last month they had not even known (know / not even) each other.
7.Catherine had not met (meet / not) Phil Brown before the trade fair in May.
8.We spoke about the conference that had taken place (take place) the week before.
9.After the meeting I thanked Misses Last, who had managed (manage) everything.
10. Had you gained (you / gain) experience in that field before you started to work for us?
ALIAS is a very popular and exciting game. The number of players is 4-12 people. It is played with a game board, 400 game cards (each has 8 words), 6 counters and an hour-glass. The game is played in teams of at least 2 people in each, and the aim of the game is to take a card in your teams' turn and to explain to your team members the words given in the card with the other words so that they could guess the word you're explaining. You are restricted by hour-glass in time, and you get as much points, as the words your team managed to guess. The winner is the team which passes the game board first.
1.Without any reason, the customer returned the goods that we had delivered (deliver) . 2.Before Ellen could say anything, Cindy had hung up (hang up) the phone.
3.When William was employed, I had already worked (work / already) here for three years.
4.I had just started (start / just) to type the letter, when the phone rang.
5.When I sent the mail, I realised that I had forgotten (forget) to attach the file.
6.Sue and Tom are best friends, though before the meeting last month they had not even known (know / not even) each other.
7.Catherine had not met (meet / not) Phil Brown before the trade fair in May.
8.We spoke about the conference that had taken place (take place) the week before.
9.After the meeting I thanked Misses Last, who had managed (manage) everything.
10. Had you gained (you / gain) experience in that field before you started to work for us?