SUMMATIVE CONTROL WORK FOR THE 3* TERM FOR THE CROSS CURRICULAR UNITS < Duration of the summative assessment - 40 minutes Listening - 10 minutes Reading-10 minutes Writing -20 minutes Speaking task is conducted separately. Total marks-201 The structure of the summative assessment This Summative Assessment consists of listening, reading, writing and speaking. Different types of tasks are used in the Summative Assessment for the term. Gap filling task is a task in which words/numbers are removed from a text and replaced with spaces. Learners have to fill each space with the missing word/number or a suitable word. Open-ended tasks require learners to follow instructions of the task, answer questions in words, expressions and sentences, The content of the summative assessment for the 3 term should be selected on topics "Creativity" or/and "Reading for pleasure or/and "Fantasy world" for any strands. Learning objective Listening 5.L4 Understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics. Reading 5.R2 Understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics. 5.W6 Link, with some support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a limited range of Writing familiar general topics. 5.W8 Spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics. 5.S1 Provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics L Speaking LISTENING Task1. Listen to the recording "The clever monkey" and put the sentences in order. You will listen to the recording twice. The first sentence gives you as an example. 1 The crocodile was hungry. The monkey quickly climbed the tree. The crocodile told the monkey that he wanted to eat his heart. The crocodile and his wife invited the monkey to lunch. The monkey gave the crocodile two apples. The monkey told the crocodile that his heart was on the
The history of the city is very long, full of various historical events, battles, victories, accomplishments! Tsaritsyn, Stalingrad, Volgograd ... How many epochs have the city lived, how many generations have passed through it, how many have left feelings, achievements, skills, every inhabitant ...
The foundation of the city is calculated since 1589 and then it proudly bore the name Tsaritsyn. Then the city only gained power. Villages, villages joined, increasing its scale and significance.
In 1925, Tsaritsyn was renamed Stalingrad in honor of former military leader I.V. Stalin. And in these years there was an event that was a prerequisite for the city's appropriation of the title of hero. During the Great Patriotic War, the most serious and crucial moment in its outcome is the defense of Stalingrad from the German troops. The city defended its homeland, losing many great warriors, shedding blood, but still did not lose courage and courage. This event forever immortalized Stalingrad in the immortal honor and pride of Russia for their cities. And thanks to this feat there is a lot of monuments to heroism and valor of this city.
Несвиж — город-легенда, город-сказка, город-сон. Таких городов немного, и все они знаковые в белорусской истории — Полоцк (столица Полоцкого княжества — первого государственного образования на территории Беларуси), Новогрудок (первая столица Великого Княжества Литовского), Краков, Гродно, Вильня, Прага...
Даже время появления Несвижа окутано тайной. Долгое время было принято считать, что город основан в 1223 году — эту дату вы увидите и сегодня на въезде в город. Согласно летописному упоминанию, 31 мая 1223 на реке Калке в Украине произошла битва русских и половецких войск с татаро- монголами, когда и погиб «князь Юрий Несвежский». Историки ошибочно решили, что раз Несвежский — значит, из Несвижа. Позже выяснилось, что тот «Юрий Несвежский» был, вероятно, из украинского города Несвич, что сходно по звучанию.