Summative Learning hjectives
for the unit Our countryside
624.1 (6LA) Understand with limited support the main power of extended talk on a range of general and curricular tops 6331 (653) Give an opiniko at sentence and focourie level on an increasing range of general and curricular topics 63.8.1 (6.S8) Recount some extended stories and events on a limited range of general and curricular topics
• Identify the main ideas in extended talk with some support • Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions
• Retell extended stories and episodes on a given topic
Higher order thinking skills
20 minutes
Assessment criteria
Level of thinking
Task 1. Listen to the story and choose the correct option Go to the link to listen information buttp://ebe censarees easy027 htm. Transcript can be found after the rubrics
Example: The chicken and the duckrere friend enemies
The speaker tells the story about farm friends city friends
2. The speaker says the the cat is a good animalia luad animal 3. The speaker is sure that the dog is friendly angry.
Task 2. Listen to be second time and complete the sentences
In the beginning the chicken and the duck are speaking about the 2. The second animal they speak about is the
3. At the end of the story they speak about the
Task 3 Learnen sork in pairs. Each pair get a picture Leamers describe he e participating in the decision usually. Give some time learners to ger reab wth g Ro the picture
Look at the picture Make a 2-3-mioutes tak asking and caring the us. Pratik pae in the conversation casually. You have A minute to popare
Possible questions for disco What can you see on the picture
* sacky or a cotry?
How sun animal can you see Can you ame e animals?
them кто паможет пд
Краткое сочинение (5 предложений) на тему : "Моя дорога в школу" на английском языке! по плану!
1) Мой дом находится в скольких километрах от школы? (2)
2) На каком транспорте ты добираешься до школы? (авто)
3) Тебе нравится путь в школу? (да)
4) Сколько времени у тебя занимает поездка? (10 мин)
5) С кем ты ходишь или ездишь в школу? (с родителями)
Начинайте сочинение сразу! Без вступлений!
ПРИМЕР НАЧАЛА: My home is two kilometres from school( и так далее)
Сочинение: My Way to School
My home is 2 kilometres from school.
I usually go to school by car.
I like this way.
It usually takes me ten minutes.
I go to school with my parents.