Суммативное оценивание за 4 четверть Максимальный - 15 Русский язык 5 класс Задание 1 Расставь знаки препинания, подчеркни однородные члены предложения и обобщающие CIOBA. Ласточки грачи дрозды жаворонки все осенью улхают в тёплые края. Перед отлетом они волнуют ся кричат суетях ся Перелётные птицы направляют ся в другие страны на Кавказ в Крым в Египет в Индию. Певчие птицы (не)выдерживают суровой и морозной зимы. Ребята заботятся о птицах огалках воробьях сороках В лесу обитают разные животные писицы волки Куницы олени. В нашей стране большие запасы полезных ископаемых металлов утля нефти газа В горах растет много разных грибов сморч ки опята сыроежки грузди. Но мухоморам поганкам ложным опятам всем ядовитым грибам нет места вк рзинке. Ужи любят погрет ся на солнце и выб рают для этого удобные местез-қи камни гнезда водоплавающих птиц свисающие над водой ветви деревьев.
I understand that the noble and time-consuming work of a teacher is not highly valued in he country, salaries are small, the environment at work is far from being favourable and the profession requires constant dedication.But I believe that doing things you love, and not just making a career, can bring excellent results.There is a lot of examples of the teachers who have become known for their work.I have read many books and watched a lot of movies about this fascinating, generous and interesting job. I think that the life of a society and a country as a whole, depend on the teachers, he quality of their work, their skills and commitment.
-Do you think Americans are often late? No. Some of them may be irresponsible, but most of them are also working people, and a country can't be successful if nobody shows up on time. They can also get fired if they're late. -Alright. But do they spend more time on holidays, or do they work more? It's hard to say. High stress jobs are required to give their employees time off, it's illegal not to let the people relax. Menial jobs like trolley pushers or cashiers don't have a lot of breaks.
I understand that the noble and time-consuming work of a teacher is not highly valued in he country, salaries are small, the environment at work is far from being favourable and the profession requires constant dedication.But I believe that doing things you love, and not just making a career, can bring excellent results.There is a lot of examples of the teachers who have become known for their work.I have read many books and watched a lot of movies about this fascinating, generous and interesting job. I think that the life of a society and a country as a whole, depend on the teachers, he quality of their work, their skills and commitment.
No. Some of them may be irresponsible, but most of them are also working people, and a country can't be successful if nobody shows up on time. They can also get fired if they're late.
-Alright. But do they spend more time on holidays, or do they work more?
It's hard to say. High stress jobs are required to give their employees time off, it's illegal not to let the people relax. Menial jobs like trolley pushers or cashiers don't have a lot of breaks.
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