Supply the required articles, paying special attention to the nouns used predicatively.
1. He was at that time ___ lieutenant in ___ British Army. 2. Mr Richardson was ___ owner and editor-in-chief of the publishing house. 3. Rudy had ___ gift of being liked. That was why he had been elected ___ president of his class three times in a row. 4. She was ___ wife of ___ doctor. 5. Philip was not ___ humbug but ___ hard and realistic man. 6. At the time I was___ manager of___ Crawford Street branch of ___ bank. 7. I saw ___ group of ___ workmen coming toward us. One of them was___ fat, red-faced man, and I presume he was___ foreman. 8. Mr Knight was ___ excessively lazy man, who preferred to sit down. 9. It's ___ girl called Betsy. She's ___ boss's secretary. 10. Henry Greene was ___ son of ___ general. 11. It seemed that Aunt Molly had been ___ only relative to offer practical help. 12. His study was ___ darkest room in ___ house. 13. His father was ___ good soldier. 14. I might be ___ leader of ___ party instead of you. 15. His wife and Sheila were ___active, strong women, who loved using their muscles. 16. I'm going to be ___ president of this company. 17. This fellow is ___ man I want for the job. 18. He was___ manager of ___ largest estate in ___ district. 19. ___ man who wore___ glasses was ___ husband of Mrs Holt. 20. "We are merely___ tourists," Tom said. 21. "She is ___ very silly creature," he said. 22. There seemed no reason why he should not eventually be made ___ Governor. 23. On ___ way back to our compartment we passed Natalie Winter. She was ___ very shy woman. She was also ___ star of the season. 24. She is proud of being ___ daughter of ___ poet. 25. If anyone could tell her what Mr Potter wanted to know, Mrs Ferguson was___woman.
1. Моей сестре нравится быть одной.
2. Кейт любит готовить, но терпеть не может мыть посуду.
3. Я ненавижу рано вставать.
4. Он не возражает работать по воскресеньям
5. Начался дождь
6. Суп был очень горячий и я боялся обжечь себе язык
7. Овощи нужно мыть и чистить
8. Этот нож предназначен только для резки хлеба.
9. Я перевел текст, не пользуясь словарем.
10. Ник очень хорошо готовит.
11. Я очень голоден. Я с нетерпением жду обеда.
12. Энн не смогла успешно сдать экзамены.
13. Гости поблагодарили официанта за то, что он так быстро их обслужил.
14. Я настаиваю, чтобы вы пришли на мою вечеринку.
15. Они отказались от мысли найти работу в этом городе. 16. Вместо того чтобы поесть дома, мы пошли в ресторан.
17. Билл ушел, так и не закончив свой ужин.
18 говорить по-английски легче, чем читать его.
19. Нет смысла плакать из-за пролитого молока что я вас перебиваю.
21. Они работали молча.
22. Он накричал на нее, вместо того чтобы поблагодарить за все, что она для него сделала.
23. У него нет никакой возможности получить больше информации об этом человеке.
24. По какой причине ты это делаешь?
I love English because ...
1) English the most-desired language now.
2) It is the language of business and courageous people
3) The English language is very beautiful
4) This is the most useful language.
5) English - it is very logical, specific and concise language.
6) it is interesting to study.
7) English - the language of science
8) The language of the world's progress and our future.
9) It is beautiful and the richest language in the world! It is a language genius of poets and writers!
10) We often meet with them in everyday life.