1He works at the factory. – Он работает на заводе.Mary lives in Paris. – Мэри живёт в Париже. 2She is always interrupting me – Она постоянно меня перебивает.My sister is having her hair cut at the moment – В данный момент моя сестра стрижется.3I went to the cinema yesterday – Вчера я ходил в кино.I could ride a bicycle when I was seven years old – Я умел кататься на велосипеде, когда мне было семь лет.4We were playing football while my mother was cooking lunch – Мы играли в футбол, пока мама готовила обед.I was being followed by a stranger – Меня преследовал незнакомец.5He will lend you some money – Он займет тебе немного денег.I’ll call back later – Я перезвоню позже.6We have finished work this week – Мы закончили работу на этой неделе.The house has been built by the local construction company – Дом построен местной строительной компанией.
1) commit a mitt
2) save the dandelion
5) intercede for a weed
3)cancel the cardigan
11) remit the knit
4)yield to the front-runner
15)concede to greater speed
5)obey one who's funny
9) submit to a wit
6)discovery in a mirror
24) detection reflection
7)leave out a little
17) omit a bit
8)ask to move back
plead to 19) recede
9)history of a fume
tradition of an 4) emission
10)illness that is lessening
condition in 10)submission
11) admission of guilt in sequence
confession in 8) succession
12) follow a feat
7) succeed a deed
13) crime at a train stop
station 22)violation
14)find admiration
23)detect respect