Связным текстом) 220 000 pounds for victim of police assault a hairdresser won 220 000 pounds damages yesterday after a jury found that he was assaulted by police and wrongly arrested. this happened after counsel for din zung, 32, urged the jury to send a clear message that the public would no longer stand for "lying, bullying, racism and perjury" by the metropolitan police. central london county court was told that police went to mr. zung's home over a dispute involving a leaking roof. mr.zung was arrested after refusing to allow officers in without a warrant. akmal khan, his solicitor, said his client's arms were twisted behind his back and he was handcuffed. "they punched and kicked him in the van and he was kicked in the kidneys." another policeman used his back as a footstool and the driver turned round and insulted him verbally saying he had got no more than he deserved. the charge officer told him, "i've never arrested a chink before." when he was released at 11 p.m. 5 that night they threw him into the street in just jeans and flip-flops. "he had to walk two miles home," mr.khan said. when mr.zung arrived home, the front door was open and his stereo and other property had been stolen. doctors found extensive bruising to his back and kidneys and he was passing blood. mr.zung made a formal complaint to the police complaints authority. despite a police surgeon confirming the injuries, the complaint was rejected and he decided to sue. ben emmerson, counsel for mr.zung, urged the jury to send a strong message to sir paul condon by awarding damages that would hit his budget. "in this case a small award would be regarded as a victory by the officers." a statement issued on behalf of sir paul, the metropolitan police commissioner, said: "we believe the award to be excessive and we are going to appeal against the size of the award but not the verdict." the metropolitan police said no action would be taken against the constables involved: christopher smith, andrew morris and bob davies. in a separate case at the same court terence wilkinson, 27, was awarded 64 000 pounds damages. he had accused other officers from the same area of wrongful arrest and assault, false imprisonment and malicious prosecution.