Of all the seasons, most of all I like spring. Spring blooming most of the flowers. Welcome come warm weather, rain less, and they are getting warmer and warmer. Mom hides winter clothes in the closet, and my dad gets out of the box in the garage of tourist facilities. I am preparing my bike, because soon dry up puddles and you can drive around the yard, fun ringing unwary children. Wonderful time - spring! In the early spring, we give our mothers, grandmothers and sisters of flowers and gifts. March 8 - one of the most favorite people. And at the end of spring at another school holiday - last call. This is my favorite holiday because after the holidays begin.
1. John and Cecile can sing really well. They have sung in the choir for six years.
2. Jack can do tricks. He has done tricks since he was 9.
3. Andy and Daniel are talented painters. They have painted since they were 3.
4. Lee can play the guitar. He has played the guitar for a year.
5. Polly can dance really well. She has danced for many years.
6. Paul can ride a horse well. He has taken part in different competitions since he was seven.
1. Джон и Сесиль очень хорошо поют. Они поют в хоре уже шесть лет.
2. Джек умеет делать трюки. Он делает трюки с 9 лет.
3. Энди и Дэниел - талантливые художники. Они рисуют с 3-х лет.
4. Ли умеет играть на гитаре. Он играет на гитаре уже в течение года.
5. Полли очень хорошо танцует. Она танцует уже много лет.
6. Пол хорошо ездит на лошади. С 7 лет он принимает участие в различных соревнованиях.