Іть ! потрібно написати як читаються слова на ураїнськай мові з анг мови..будь - ласка ..дуже потрі my future profession will grant people gladness and beauty. all because i decided to become hairdresser-master of style. when i will master this remarkable profession, to do the state to the people fashionable hair-cuttings and stylish hair-dos, that they looked well. will learn to create also difficult evening and weddings hair-dos for women and girls. i want to become dosvichenim master so, faultlessly to determine, what hair-do a man to the person.my choice of profession is such, because i want to have creative work and create the hands beauty. my choice of profession is such, because i want to have creative work and create the hands beauty. and yet to do people around more beautiful and more feel legs.
это русскими буквами, на украинский постарайся уж сам