T T Упражнения "Притяжательные местоимения" (с ответами)
1. Подставьте подходящие притяжательные местоимения в предложения по образцу.
H-р. This book belongs to me. (Эта книга принадлежит мне.) — This is my book. (Это моя книга.) – This
book is mine. (Эта книга - моя.)
1. Thіѕ turtle belongs to her. (Эта черепашка принадлежит ей.)
2. That bike belongs to you. (Тот мотоцикл принадлежит тебе.)
3. This phone belongs to him. (Этот телефон принадлежит ему.)
4. Those T-shirts belong to them. (Те футболки принадлежат им.)
5. These seats belong to us. (Эти места принадлежат нам.)
6. This watch belongs to me. (Эти часы принадлежат мне.)
2. Замените слова в скобках на притяжательное местоимение (mine, hers, yours и т.д.).
Н-p: My Internet іѕ fаѕtеr than (your Internet). (Мой интернет быстрее, чем твой интернет.)
My Internet іѕ fаѕtеr thаn уоurѕ. (Мой интернет быстрее, чем твой.)
1. Hеr ѕаlаrу іѕ higher than (his salary). (Еe зарплата выше, чем его зарплата.)
2. Yоur еxаmѕ аrе еаѕiеr than (our exams). (Ваши экзамены легче, чем наши экзамены.)
3. Му реnѕ аrе brіghtеr than (hеr pens). (Мои ручки ярче, чем ее ручки.)
4. His song іѕ lоngеr than (your song). (Его песня длиннее, чем твоя песня.)
5. Our fооd іѕ hеаlthier than (their food). (Наша еда здоровее, чем их еда.)
6. Their yacht iѕ оldеr than (my yacht). (Их яхта старее, чем моя яхта.)
7. This juice is fresher than (our juice). (Этот сок свежее, чем наш сок.)
3. В некоторых предложениях указаны неверные притяжательные местоимения. Найдите и
исправьте их.
Н-p: Theіrѕ tоуѕ wеrе оn thе flооr. — Thеіr tоуѕ wеrе оn thе flооr. (Их игрушки были на полу.)
1. The photos on the table are my.
Jane is watching her favorite film
3. Anna loves his husband very much.
4. We talked about ours problems, .
5. I met my friends at the café.
6. That camera is their.
7. This sandwich is his. .
8. Mine relatives live far from me.
9. Hers garden is more beautiful than yours,
10. Robert likes to spend her money on clothes.
Sometimes, when things go wrong I remain my summer vacation. It was two years ago. I got bored to stay at home in such a beautiful time. So me and my friends decided to visit Spain. Actually it is my favorite country. We planned our vacation time that way: firstly we saw the most famous landmarks and places, secondly, we had fun on the beach and thirdly, we visited our friends on south of Barcelona. So me and two my best friends was enjoying in Spain till we need to go back home . But we have a lot of memories about our little journey. Molly liked to watch films in Spanish cinema, Mike mostly enjoyed the communication with native speakers of language. As for me , spicy Spanish food is amazing! When I came back home I tried to cook some dishes I tasted in my vacation. Hope it was eatable.
Now I'm thinking about returning to Spain again. My friends definitely don't mind.
Упражнение 1.
1. was copying /were describing
2. were cleaning
3. was waiting
4. were skiing/were skating/was having
5. was getting
6. were feeding/were making
Упражнение 2.
Предложения в Past Continuous :
Dad was still watching it at 7.30. Mum was sitting
in the kitchen. She was quietly reading a woman’s magazine. Rosie was trying on her
Mum’s clothes in her room. Nick’s cousins were listening to rock music. At 7.30 the dogs were lying in front of the fire and they were
sleeping. So at 7.30 he was still
В 7 часов матч начался по телевизору, так что папа все еще смотрел его в 7.30. Мама сидела
на кухне. Она тихонько читала женский журнал. Рози примеряла ее
Мамина одежда в ее комнате. Двоюродные братья Ника слушали рок-музыку. Это было очень громко, так что
они не слышали грохота. В 7.30 собаки лежали перед огнем и спали. Ник пошел в сад со своим другом поиграть в футбол. Итак, в 7.30 он все еще был