This summer has been very diverse. It was quiet and simple, or vivid and memorable. But every day is very quickly ended. During the summer I do not have much time to, but every event I clearly remember even now. My summer is over with friends. We could just talk or walk around the city, even a simple phone call is sometimes spoken enough. Or we could leisurely stroll by the river, while maintaining silence. I also went into the countryside. A lot of the time we spent together with my family in the village. Sometimes two days in nature, we learn about each other more than a month in a big city. There were days of idleness, when I woke up only in the afternoon. Or very intense days, for which I had time to sleep only a few hours. I can not say that every day I spent usefully. But I have one day would not have survived otherwise. This summer in its own special and wonderful.
flat - квартира
room - комната
kitchen - кухня
bathroom - ванная комната
shower - душ
window - окно
window sill - подоконник
floor - пол
ceiling - потолок
wall - стена
blackboard - классная доска
chalk - мел
duster - тряпка для стирания с доски
lamp - лампа
desk - парта/письменный стол
table - стол
chair - стул
bench - скамья
door - дверь
clock - часы
TV-set - телевизор
armchair - кресло
sofa - диван
carpet - ковёр
cupboard - сервант
furniture - мебель
bookcase - книжный шкаф
wardrobe - платяной шкаф
bed - кровать
shelf - полка
stove - плита (газовая или электр.)
refrigerator (сокращенно fridge) - холодильник
wash-bowl/sink - раковина
tap - кран водопроводный
washing-machine - стиральная машина
vacuum-cleaner - пылесос
rug - коврик
fork - вилка
spoon - ложка
knife - нож
plate - тарелка
pan - сковорода, кастрюля
iron - утюг; гладить
vase - ваза
pot - горшок, котёл
jug - кувшин
glass - стакан
cup - чашка
bottle - бутылка
tape-recorder - магнитофон
player - проигрыватель
recorder - диктофон
radio - радио
video - видео(магнитофон)
picture - картина
curtains - шторы
flowers - цветы