ть з цими двома завданнями:(4a Look at the task and write the message. Use
the expressions from the Writing bank and the
abbreviations from 3.
You've just gone to visit your friend at his home because
he hasn't been at school for two days. He's just gone out
to see the doctor. You don't have your mobile phone so
leave him a message. Include this information.
find out how he is
find out what he has done in the last two days
tell him what you've done at school
tell him some news about one or two of your friends.
(4b Give your message to your partner. Write a reply
to your partner's message.
Look at the instructions for the writing task in 4. Can
you write in any way you like? Is the style (formal or
informal) important?
2)May I come in? -- Yes, you can. You can come in.
3)Did you say that you know her? -- Yes, I did. I said that I know her.
4)Did you say you're inviting me to the theatre ? -- Yes, I did. I said that I am inviting you to the theatre.
5)Are you sure you have to leave? -- Yes, I am. I am sure that I have left.
6)Would you like a cup of tea? -- No, I wouldn't. I wouldn't like a cup of tea.
7)Can you give me a lift to the station? -- No, I can't. I can't give you a lift to the station.
8) Can you tell me the time please? -- No, I can't. I can't tell you the time.
9) Do you mind if I open a window? -- No, I don't. I don't mind if you're open a window.
автобус bus [bʌs]
такси taxi ['tæksi]
поезд train [treɪn]
автомобиль car / auto / autombile [kɑ:(r)] / ['ɔ:təʊ] / ['ɔ:təməbi:l]
мотоцикл motorcycle / motorbike ['məʊtəsaɪkl] / ['məʊtəbaɪk]
метро subway / underground ['sʌbweɪ] / [,ʌndə'ɡraʊnd]
снегоход snowmobile ['snəʊmə,bi:l]
троллейбус trolleybus ['trɒlibʌs]
трамвай tram [træm]
междугородний автобус coach [kəʊtʃ]
грузовик lorry / truck ['lɒri] / [trʌk]
велосипед bike / bicycle [baɪk] / ['bʌɪsɪk(ə)l]
тележка, фургон wagon ['wægən]
Водный транспорт
корабль ship [ʃɪp]
пароход steamer
steamship ['sti:,mər]
паром ferry ['feri]
лодка boat [bəʊt]
теплоход motor ship ['məʊtə(r) ʃɪp]
яхта yacht [jɒt]
судно vessel ['vesəl]
Воздушный транспорт
самолёт plane / airplane [pleɪn] / ['eəpleɪn]
вертолёт helicopter ['helɪ,kɒptər]
воздушный шар balloon / aerostat [bə'lu:n] / ['ɛ:rəstat]