Українська мова
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19.06.2021 18:53 •  Английский язык

TASK 1 Answer the questions 1.What kind of schools are there in Kazakhstan?

2. What does a primary school consist of?

3. How many years do pupils study at secondary school?

4. What kinds of schools are there in Great Britain?

5. What does “A” level mean?

6. What school subjects have you got at your school?

7. How many year of study are compulsory in our Republic?

8. What holiday do you have every year?

9. How long does every lesson last?

10. How many lessons have day every day?

11. How many years do pupils go to school in Kazakhstan?

Task 2

1.They say that ... British eat only traditional British food in their homes.

a) - c) the b) a d) an

2. Surely food is as ... a part of our culture as our landscape, our language, and our literature.

a) many c) the most b) more d) much

3. From the time of ... Roman invasion foreign trade was a major influence on British cooking.

a) - с) а b) the d) an

4. English kitchens, like the English language, absorbed ... ingredients from all over the world - chickens, rabbits, apples, and tea.

a) the с) а b) - d) an

5. The British always ... food from abroad.

a) import c) have imported b) has imported d) imported

6. We live in a global village, but how ... do we know and understand each other?

a) good c) best b) better d) well

7. In the Middle East you ... take care not to admire anything in your hosts' home. They will feel that they have to give it to you.

a) must c) should b) can d)could

8. You should not expect the Japanese to shake ... . Bowing the head is a mark of respect in Japan.

a) hand c) a hand b) hands d) the hands

9. In Japan the first bow of the day should be ... than when you meet thereafter.

a) low c) lowest b) the lowest d) much lower

10. We ... for three hours when we saw the house in the distance.

a) drive c) drove b) were driving d) had been driving​

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07.04.2023 02:20
1. Timothy is feeding his dog. 2. Mr Jones is cleaning his yard. 3. Nancy is painting her kitchen. 4. Our neighbours are washing their car. 5. I am washing my hair. 6. Who is fixing your sink? 7. What is she doing now? - She is dancing. 8. The children are brushing their teeth. 9. What is he doing at the moment? – He is fixing his bicycle. 10. They are having a big dinner together. 11. The boys are running about in the garden. 12. I am doing my homework. 13. John and his friends are going to the library. 14. Ann is sitting at her desk. She is studying geography. 15. A young man is standing at the window. He is smoking a cigarette. 16. The old man is walking about the room. 17. The dog is lying on the floor. 18. Are you having a break? 19. What language are you studying? 20. Who is to lying on the sofa? 21. What are they talking about? 22. It is still raining. 23. I am opening an umbrella. 24. John is playing computer games. 25. My friend is collecting material for a book that he is writing now. 26. She is feeling tired. 27. We are having a private lesson in computer science.  

1. Тимофей кормит своих собак. 2. Мистер Джонс чистит свой двор. 3. Нэнси красит свою кухню. 4. Наши соседи моют автомобиль. 5. Я мою волосы. 6. Кто крепит вашу раковину? 7. Что она делает сейчас? - Она танцует. 8. Дети чистят свои зубы. 9. Что он делает в данный момент? - Он закрепляет свой велосипед. 10. У них сегодня будет большой обед вместе. 11. Мальчики бегают по саду. 12. Я делаю мою домашнюю работу. 13. Джон и его друзья собираются в библиотеку. 14. Энн сидит за столом. Она учит географию. 15. Молодой человек стоит около окна. Он курит сигарету. 16. Старик ходит по комнате. 17. Собака лежит на полу. 18. У вас перерыв? 19. Какой язык ты учишь? 20. Кто лежит на диване? 21. О чём они говорят? 22. Еще идёт дождь. 23. Я открываю зонт. 24. Джон играет в компьютерные игры. 25. Мой друг собирает материал для книги, которую он пишет сейчас. 26. Она чувствует себя усталой. 27. У нас будет частный урок по информатике.
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09.10.2021 13:04
Social networks - it is online services intended for the organization of social relationships. In the other words social networks helping us to connect people which are sitting in different places and maybe can't see each other in real life. Social networks have become popular in 1995 with American portal named Classmates.com. In nowadays it allows you to place your own photos or the other pictures, to share with all people moments of your life. You can read news and watch videos. Also you can find and listen to your favorite music! You can type a message to your friend, when you are on a holiday in the other country or you can share impressions of the rest with your parents by sending them photos and videos. (Новый абзац) By the way, social network are a powerful tool for marketing research, as users voluntarily publish information about themselves, their attitudes, interests, preferences, and so on. In view of this, advertisers can very clearly define what exactly people are interested in their ad and send their advertisements to specific users, depending on the information in their profiles such as age, gender, place of residence, and so on. (Новый абзац) Social network has the opposite side of the coin (обратную сторону медали) for its users. Many people do not realize that information placed them in social networks, can be found and used by anyone, not necessarily with good intentions. Information about the participants of social networks may find their employers, relatives, debt collectors, criminals and so on. Bailiffs (судебные приставы) sometimes use social networks to find defaulters or obtain information about their property. Думаю этого будет достаточно:D Удачи!:D
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