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TASK 1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs: the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. 1. Ann (prefer) baggy trousers because she finds them trendy. 2. My mother (talk) to my teacher on the phone. I think I might be in trouble. 3. More and more students in my school (work) part-time. 4. Every month my brother (save) some money for a new mobile phone. 5. Sh! We (listen) to the radio programme on young people. 6. I believe my brother (not /understand) now how dangerous base jumping can be. 7. Our house isn’t ready yet so we (live) here for the winter. TASK 2 Complete the sentences by putting the verbs in brackets into the correct tense 1.- My sister usually ……………(work) as an engineer but at the moment she ………… (study) for an extra qualification. 2.- Can you hear the birds? They ………………….. (sing) in the trees. 3.- Your grandmother ………………….. (live) in a cottage in Ireland. She ………………. (live) there all her life. 4.- Marina always ………….(arrive) late on Fridays because she very often ……. (miss) the train. 5.- Barbara ………….. (be) taller than her brother Ulises. 6.- There was a fire at my friend’s house so he ……………. (stay) at a hotel until the damage is repaired. 7.- I’m Spanish. I ……………….. (be) born in Cordoba. It……………. (be) a beautiful city. 8.- I think smoking is unhealthy so now I ……………… (try) to give up. 9.- Look! That young woman ……………… (jump) on the bus. 10.- Statistics show that the Dutch ………………….. (be) the tallest race. 11.- 50% of British families ………………. (keep) pets at home. 12.- Henry …………….. (use) my bike while his car is being repaired. 13.- Our teacher is ill today so we ……………. (have) a day off at school. 14.- Sheila is in hospital for a month, she ……………. (recover) from an operation. 15.- I usually …………. (like) eating, but tonight I ………….. (not enjoy) the food at all. 16.- Everyone in our family …………………. (have) blond hair and blue eyes. 17.- Hurry up! We …………………. (not can) miss the bus this morning. 18.- The man ………………. (pay) the bill at the counter and ………….. (run) to his car. 19.- Sonia ……………… (park) the car and ……………. (enter) the police station yesterday.

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04.04.2021 17:40

My Favourite Shop

I like shopping and I often do it with my mum or my friends. I must say I like going to clothing shops more than food shops. I could spend hours just looking at clothes, choosing things to try on and trying to find that perfect look and price.

My favourite shop is 'LC WAIKIKI'. This brand is represented in more than 40 countries. It sells fashionable clothes and accessories at affordable prices. 'LCWaikiki' stores are quite popular in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. We can also buy their clothes on the Internet. There are four types of clothes in the Waikiki stores — for men, women, boys and girls of all ages.

I love this shop because their clothes are stylish and comfortable. I can always find something to my taste and I like the service.

                               Мой любимый магазин

Я люблю ходить по магазинам и часто делаю это с мамой или подругами. Должна сказать, что мне больше нравится ходить в магазины одежды, чем в продуктовые. Я могу часами смотреть на одежду, выбирать вещи для примерки и пытаться найти идеальные образ и цену.

Мой любимый магазин - LC WAIKIKI. Этот бренд представлен более чем в 40 странах. Здесь продаются модная одежда и аксессуары по доступным ценам. Магазины «LCWaikiki» довольно популярны в России, Украине, Белоруссии и Казахстане. Мы также можем купить их одежду в интернете. В магазинах Waikiki есть четыре вида одежды - для мужчин, женщин, мальчиков и девочек всех возрастов.

Я люблю этот магазин, потому что их одежда стильная и удобная. Я всегда могу найти что-то на свой вкус, и мне нравится обслуживание.

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18.07.2021 14:29

ответ:Russia is a very old country. It has a very long and interesting history. It is famous for its beautiful cities with ancient architecture. Many of them compose a Golden Ring of Russia. All these cities have the majority of sights or the so-called "Icons of Russia". It is very difficultFor example, the Kremlin, which is situated in the heart of Moscow, the Bolshoi Theater, which is also in Moscow and many others. Saint-Petersburg is famous by its magnificent architecture. Almost every building in the city looks like a rare masterpiece. Many people take trips along some Russian cities, called Golden Ring. The Golden Ring of Russia includes such cities as Suzdal, Vladimir, Ivanovo, Yaroslavl and many others. These cities are famous for their rich history and ancient churches. Also, tourists can take part in some authentic festivals when visiting these cities. Another famous sight in Russia is situated in the center of Asia. It’s called Altay. Many tourists want to see this amazing region, which is known for its crystal clear lakes, high mountains and other natural wonders. The deepest lake in the world, Baikal, is also situated in Russia, in the East Siberian region. to choose which of the sights to describe.

Russia is also famous for its Churches. Let's speak about one of them. Saint Basil the Blessed, also called Pokrovsky Cathedral, Russian Svyatoy Vasiliy Blazhenny or Pokrovsky Sobor, church constructed on Red Square in Moscow between 1554 and 1560 by Tsar Ivan IV (the Terrible), as a votive offering for his military victories over the khanates of Kazan and Astrakhan. The church was dedicated to the protection and intercession of the Virgin, but it came to be known as the Cathedral of Vasily Blazhenny (St. Basil the Beatified) after Basil, the Russian holy fool who was “idiotic for Christ’s sake” and who was buried in the church vaultsWhile the church is widely known as St. Basil's, or Vasily Blazhenny, the official name dating back to the mid-1500s is Pokrova Bogoroditsy, based on the Russian Orthodox holiday Pokrov Den, when the tsar's forces took Kazan. Only later was the church popularly referred to as St. Basil's — not after the Russian Orthodox St. Vasily, but after Vasily Blazhenny, a pauper who sat outside the church seeking alms. Some 60 years after the church was finished, a cozy little chapel was added in the name of Vasily Blazhenny. This addition not only spoiled the symmetry of the church, but it effectively changed its name.

The church that may have inspired Ivan to maim his architects was, in fact, quite different from the one that stands on Red Square today. Indeed, the original architects, even with their vision intact, would not be able to recognize their original masterpiece, a symmetrical, eight-domed structure: four greater domed towers with four smaller ones in between. The larger, tented Pokrovsky tower stood over the central chapel, and all of the towers were then united by an open-air gallery.

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