Task 1. Listen to the audio https://www.123listening.com/freeaudio/sportsplay-2.mp3 Choose the correct picture and write the answer. (listen to 1-8) ice hockey, golf, badminton, baseball, football, soccer, basketball, tennis .
Башня была построена под руководством Пьетро-Антонио Solario в 1491 году, был прямоугольной формы и примерно половину ее нынешней высоты. В 16 веке она была снабжена часами и в 1625 русский зодчий Бажен огурцов построил восьмигранной многоярусной башни, которая сейчас преодолевает прямоугольной башни. Новые часы был построен на турель оснащена вращающимся лицо и карильон англичанин, Кристофер Холлоуэй. Колокола карильона отлил Кирилл Самойлов. В reigh Петра I часы были заменены. Часы мы видим сейчас, был установлен в 1851-52. Длина минутной стрелки на часах 3.28 метров. Башня 67.3 метра.
My favorite author is Alexander Pushkin. I can re-read his work again and again. His tales, poems, characters create the special world, where everything is surprising and exciting. Noone could make me fall in love with reading, but with touching the work of Pushkin, I realized the beauty of his works. Pushkin is the writer who made everyone be interested in his works not only children but also adults. My favorite poem among Pushkin's works is his remarkable novel "Eugene Onegin " where the main heroes are Eugene Onegin and Tatiana Larina . Eugene is a young nobleman, educated enough, not disadvantaged beautiful person. But much more I was struck by the image of Tatyana Larina . The author portrayed well not only these characters. We sympathize with Olga , Lensky , as well as life experience in which the characters lived. That's why I like this novel very much. xperience in which the characters lived. That's why I like this novel very much.