Task 1. Read 3 texts about the neighbourhood. Match the texts and the sentences. 1) You can meet friends in the community garden 2) A person doesn't really know her/his neighbours, 3) This neighbourhood is very friendly, Text A.
Chose the correct item. 1) I will read this article when have / will have time. 2) Mum worried / would worry if you didn't call. 3) If I were you, I didn't / wouldn't complain. 4) If Dolly didn't leave / hadn't left in such a hurry, she would have remembered to switch off the light. 5) What will they do if / unless the weather is good tomorrow? 6) If only I wasn't / hadn't been so rude to her yesterday! 7) If / unless we pay the bill, they will cut off the phone. 8) If Jim didn't like his job, he did / would do something else. 9) Jane will / would walk the dog if she comes home early. 10) I wish I can / could invite all my friends for my birthday party.
Какие утверждения являются правдивыми или ложными Одно из исследований, проведенных в Университете Флориды в США, показало, что смертельные сердечные приступы и пик инсульта приходится на весенние месяцы. Эта депрессия обычно начинается осенью и исчезает, когда наступает весна. Симптомы включают в себя проблемы с концентрацией внимания, изменения сна и питания и потерю интереса к некогда приятным занятиям. Чтобы чувствовать себя лучше, когда у людей депрессия, они должны иметь солнечный свет, принимать витамин D или провести несколько часов под лампами для светотерапии. Люди не испытывают недостатка витаминов, содержащихся в овощах и фруктах в зимний период. Люди со светлой кожей наиболее чувствительны к солнечным ожогам. Аллергические люди начинают чихать и чихать, когда растения выпускают пыльцу. Нет сомнений, что погода сильно влияет на здоровье людей.
Chose the correct item. 1) I will read this article when have / will have time. 2) Mum worried / would worry if you didn't call. 3) If I were you, I didn't / wouldn't complain. 4) If Dolly didn't leave / hadn't left in such a hurry, she would have remembered to switch off the light. 5) What will they do if / unless the weather is good tomorrow? 6) If only I wasn't / hadn't been so rude to her yesterday! 7) If / unless we pay the bill, they will cut off the phone. 8) If Jim didn't like his job, he did / would do something else. 9) Jane will / would walk the dog if she comes home early. 10) I wish I can / could invite all my friends for my birthday party.