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25.11.2021 15:36 •  Английский язык

. TASK 1. Read the text and choose A, B or C. Our facial expression is usually the first indicator of our state of mind. When we’re happy, we smile. And when we’re sad or angry, we frown. There are times, however, when we don’t want people to know what we’re really thinking or feeling, or when we’re trying to hide something. In these situations, we choose our words carefully, and we consciously make our facial expression mirror what we’re saying. However, up to 90 per cent of communication is non-verbal. So, we might say one thing, but our body language often tells a different story. Body language refers to the pattern of gestures that express our inner thoughts and feelings in communication. Unless we are very clever, our bodies will usually try to tell the truth, no matter what our words and facial expressions are communicating. Here are three of the most common ways that our bodies can give us away: 1) Touching our faces more often than usual. If we are lying, we often cover our mouth with our hand or put a finger on our lip. Part of us knows that what we are saying is not true, and tries to stop it coming out. Touching our ear or hair and, most commonly, our nose are signs that we might be feeling anxious, or that we are angry or frightened but don’t feel able to express it. 2) Gesturing with our hands. Experiments have shown that we use our hands to talk with much less than usual when what we are saying is not true. We don’t know exactly what our hands are saying, but we know they are probably communicating something important so we try not to use them. A person who says he or she is very pleased with something, and they have their arms folded while they are speaking, may actually be feeling quite the opposite. 3) Moving our legs and feet. These are the most revealing parts of our body as they are the furthest from our face and we don’t usually pay attention to what they are doing. An interviewer might be listening patiently, smiling, and nodding, but if he’s tapping his foot, this could tell us that he is not 1 We change the expression on our faces when we want people to believe .
A. what we’re really thinking
B. that we’re lying
C. what we’re saying

2 Our body language shows .
A. what we want people to think
B. what we’re really thinking
C. that we always tell the truth
3 People who aren’t being honest often .
A. touch their faces more frequently
B. try to stop talking
C. touch their hair
4 People who are afraid tend to .
A. cover their mouths
B. touch their noses
C. touch their hands

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30.07.2022 16:48

11. Travelling

There are many ways of travelling — by train, by plane, by ship, on foot. If you want to visit a far country, you’ll definitely choose a flight. If your aim is to see many countries for a short time, you’ll choose travelling by bus or by car. If you want to be closer to nature, you may choose a trip on foot. People who travel a lot, are very interesting, they always have a good story to tell. Thanks to them you can learn many things which you didn’t know before. They motivate to see something new, to explore the world, which is so easy to do nowadays. Any kind of travel helps you to understand many things that you would never see or learn at home. As English people say — A picture is worth a thousand words. And I totally agree with them.

12. Healthy Lifestyle

It is a pleasure to look at a strong, athletic man and slim beautiful lady. It is known that healthy people live longer and their career is more successful. To look well you must follow some simple rules: don’t smoke and take drugs, don’t drink alcohol, don’t eat too much chips and sweets, eat more vegetables and fruits, sleep well, do exercises. We have two lessons of physical training once a week. We do exercises, run, jump, play basketball and pioneer ball, ski in winter. I think that we must have more lessons of physical training than we have now. For example, American pupils have their PT lessons every day. I like to play tennis, to ride a bicycle and to swim. But most of all I like roller-skating. I can hardly wait when snow would melt, I put on roller-skates and go outdoors. I spend one or two hours every day skating with my friends and we’ve got a lot of fun! I don’t smoke (nobody smokes in our family). I know that this very bad habit may cause serious problems in your health. I do my morning exercises, try to eat “healthy” food and think that this is a really good way to live.

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08.10.2020 19:43

Michael Jeffrey Jordan, popular American basketball star, was born on 17 February, 1963 in Brooklyn. From childhood Michael loved the sport, but his first passion was baseball.  He received a basketball scholarship from the University of North Carolina, and they chose him for the first team stars. This was the beginning of his path of success and achievements. He joined the National basketball Association, won the title of player of the Year in 1984.

His excellent performance in sport allowed him to dominate in the NBA and he was selected to play for the Chicago bulls. His success allowed him to reach stellar heights and he was recognized as the Most valuable player of the National basketball Association.Jordan was included in the basketball team USA for the Olympic games in 1984 year in Los Angeles, where the team won gold. He also helped the team to win gold at the 1992 Olympics, held in Barcelona.

Про Майкла Джеффи Джордана

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