Task 1.Read the text «Foundation» and translate orally. About half of all new homes built in the U.S. are built on a slab foundations. Because a slab is by far the most cost-effective choice, customers flock to this budget-friendly option. It's quick and easy, as far as foundations go – a slab can often be poured directly on the ground or on a bed of gravel.
Pick a site, making sure to investigate the conditions of the soil. ...
Have your lot surveyed. ...
Start digging. ...
Install the footings. ...
Seal the footings to protect them from moisture. ...
Once the concrete has cured, use concrete block to create the stem walls if you're building a basement.
Keep in mind the soil type. ...
Make sure the rebar is not too close to the soil. ...
The layout of the foundation and slab is important. ...
Make sure there is no water in the concrete. ...
The bolts in the foundation are very important. ...
Crawl space can make your foundation strong. ...
Can I dig my own foundations?
Without a strong, stable foundation, your new home, building, or addition will show cracks, leaks, or other damage. ... Digging a foundation is not as easy as setting the footings and pouring the concrete. It is necessary to use weatherproof material.
Dig For A Full Basement
This is one of the most popular foundations in the northeast US, although this style is popular all over the globe. For a full basement, your foundation depth will be below frost depth. Basements have footings and typically 8-foot walls built on a 4-inch concrete slab.
Task 2. Answer the questions in your copy books:
1. What is the best foundation for building a house?
2. How Does a Foundation Go In?
3. How can I make my house foundation stronger?
4. Is it necessary to use weatherproof materials ?
5. How deep should be the foundation of a house?
The school I attend is quite big. It’s situated in a three story building and has a lot of classes. It has specially equipped chemistry class, computer room, English and musical classes and a sports hall. A lot of children attend my school. It’s always noisy and crowded over there. On the good side, it’s possible to make a lot of friends in a school that big. We have a lot of teachers and some of them absolutely brilliant. Our school has high teaching standards. A lot of pupils who want to go to University are able to pass entrance exams. I’m really happy with our school and looking forward to go back after summer holidays.