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Task 1. Reading. (10 points) – 2 points for each correct answer. Read the texts about famous women.

For questions 1- 5, put the correct letter (A-D).

A. Florence Nightingale was impatient with a life without meaningful purpose. By age 24, Florence rejected a marriage proposal and decided to be a nurse. For several years Florence pleaded with her parents, with God and suffered a near nervous breakdown, but never considered disobeying her parents’ wish. At last, in 1851 her parents permitted her to study nursing at an institution in Germany. Two years later, she was appointed superintendent of the institution. Her administration was very successful and so were the changes made to the institution.

B. Louisa May Alcott lived most of her life in Boston and Concord. She worked as a teacher for a short time. Next, she worked as a housekeeper and finally began writing. Her first books were written quickly. Then, Alcott volunteered to be a Civil War nurse, where she caught typhoid and was sent home. But, from this experience her book Hospital Sketches became famous. Soon, her stories were chosen for the Atlantic Monthly. Her most popular book was Little Women. It described her own childhood, as many of her other books: Aunt Joe’s Scrap Bag, Little Men, Eight Cousins and others.

C. Marie Curie was born Maria Sklodowska as the fifth and youngest child of Bronislava Boguska, a pianist, singer and teacher and Wladislaw Sklodowski, a professor of mathematics and physics. From young she was remarkable for her prodigious memory and at the age of 16 she won a gold medal on a competition of her secondary education at Russian lycee. In 1891, she went to Paris. She worked late hours and virtually lived bread and butter and tea. In 1904 she was placed the second in the license of mathematical sciences. It was then that she married Pierre Curie, a famous scientist.

D. Valentina Tereshkova was born in Yaroslavl region of the former USSR. Soon after starting work in a textile mill at the age of 18, Valentina joined an amateur parachuting club. She was a hard worker. Later, at the age of 24, she applied to become a cosmonaut. On June 16, 1963 Tereshkova was launched into space aboard Vostok 6. She became the first woman to travel in space. Her flight lasted 48 orbits totaling 70 hours 50 minutes in space. She spent more time in orbit than all the US Mercury astronauts combined. Valentina received the Order of Lenin and Hero of the Soviet Union awards for her historic flight.

E. Margaret Thatcher was born in England in the family of grocer and dressmaker. Her father was involved in local politics. Early in her life she decided to be a member of the Parliament. In 1950 Margaret married Denis Thatcher, got her degree from Oxford and worked there as a research chemist. In 1959 she won a seat in Parliament. In 1970 to 1974 she served as the Minister of Education and Science. In 1979 general elections Mrs. Thatcher became the first woman to be elected Prime Minister of Great Britain. She resigned in 1990. She was awarded an Order of Merit award by her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.


1. was honored with the title of Hero for her historic deed?

2. waited for her parental permission to realise her dream to become a nurse?

3. succeeded as a leader and was awarded the order for her remarkable work for the country?

4. worked as a nurse at war?

5. was an outstanding scientist? ​

Показать ответ
10.04.2023 15:57
1.Has he come?
Yes,he has.
He came an hour ago.
2.Have you read the book?
Yes,I have read the book .
I read it two days ago .
3. Has she translated the text?
Yes, she has translated the text.
She translated it ten minutes ago.
4. Have they met the teacher?
Yes, they have met the teacher.
They met him five minutes ago.
5.Has he built a bridge?
Yes, he has built a bridge.
He built it ten minutes ago.
6.Have they had lunch?
They have had lunch.
They had lunch ten minutes ago.
7.Has a taxi come?
Yes, it has.
It came a minute ago.
8.Has he seen Red Square?
Yes, he has seen it.
He saw it two days ago.
9.Has the lesson begun?
Yes,the lesson has begun.
It began five minutes ago.
10. Has it drunk the milk?
Yes,it has drunk the milk.
It drank the milk two minutes ago.
0,0(0 оценок)
26.08.2020 00:18
1)Когда я приду домой,я позвоню тебе. When I come home, I'll call you.
2)Если я увижу его завтра,я отдам ему эту книгу. If I see him tomorrow, I'll give him this book back.
3)Он обрадуется,если мы скажем ему об этом. He will be happy, if we tell him about it. 
4)Мы поедем в Париж на следующей неделе,поэтому мы покупаем сейчас билеты. We are going to Paris next week, so now we are buying the tickets.
5)Я надеюсь,что они завтра будут дома. I hope that they will be at home tomorrow.
6)Когда он не позвонит?-Он позвонит,как только у него будет время. When will he call?- He'll call as soon as he has time.
7)Завтра моя сестра пойдет в кино,если купит билеты. Tomorrow my sister will go to the movies if she buys tickets.
8)Если вы пойдете за покупками,купите мне кофе. If you go shopping, buy me some coffee.
9)Когда она придет в школу,она будет внимательно слушать учителя. When she comes to school, she will listen to the teacher attentively.
10)Он согласится,если мы пригласим их в театр. He will agree with us, if we invite them to the theater.
11)Я терпеть не могу,когда он так разговаривает. I hate when he talks such way.
12)Послушай,как хорошо она поет. Она перестанет петь,если услышит,что вы разговариваете. Listen, how well she is singing. She'll stop singing when she hears you're  talking.
13)Она часто смотрит телевизор,но сейчас она не смотрит его,она читает книгу. She often watches TV, but now she isn't watching it, she is reading a book.
14)Моего брата сейчас нет дома.Оставьте ему записку. My brother's not st home right now. Leave him a note.
15)Отправьте мне письмо,если поедете в Германию. Send me an email if you go to Germany.
16)Когда мне понадобится я по их мне. When I need any help, I'll ask them to help me.
17)Он должен закончить свои дела перед тем,как уедет. He must finish his business before his departure.
18)Вы все еще надеетесь,что они вам позвонят? Do you still hope they will call you?
19)Она думает,что мы ей как только сможем. She thinks we'll help her as soon as we can.
20)Если найдешь мои ключи,верни их мне. If you find my keys, give them back to me.
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