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Task 1. True/False/Not stated Insects will be available in many supermarkets throughout the world by 2020.
Jedi mind control device is supposed to help disabled people.
Invisibility cloak was created by Ali Aliev in Russia.
Time machine will suck people’s energy away.
Humidity in the Giant Crystal Cave is low.
A person can survive in the Cave for only about 20 minutes.
If a shark is going to attack you, you should wave your hands and try to drift away.
Stuart Cove is popular with women because of his courage.
Task 2.Choose the correct variant.
1.The shark was…..in a net by a fisherman.
a)controlled b)captured c)manipulated d)operated
2.The runner had…pouring down his forehead.
a)water b)sweat c)spit d)saliva
3.He poured milk in his tea and….. it.
a)drifted b)stirred c)spun d)swirled
4.The room was dark except one …..of light.
a)strand b)thread c)beam d)slit
5.Brian always….up stories.
a)makes b)steams c)brings d)breaks
6.The …..in the cave was high.
a)steam b)breeze c)humidity d)moisture
7.They served chicken and potatoes for the…
a)starter b)main course c)dessert d)abundant
8.This device is designed to….the feeling of flying.
a)replicate b)swirl b)levitate d)float
9. My mother always serve healthy …vegetables as a side dish.
a)deep-fried b)scrumbled b)boiled d)mashed
10. This house looks really disgusting, there are lot’s of…running from corner to corner.
a)locusts b)cockroaches c)dragonflies d)maggots
11.They were such a nice couple, I think they really must….
a)make b)spring c)bring d)break
12.Nowadays it’s very difficult to….children up.
a) take b) bring c)come d) give
Task 3. Put the verbs in the correct form.
This time next month we will (travel) to Mexico.
Would you like (try) a chocolate covered beetle?
The scientist will (create) a prototype of his invention by the end of the month.
Cory can’t help (worry) about sharks in the water.
I think you (enjoy) La Tomatina Festival.
By the time you arrive, they will (surf) for over three hours.
He was reluctant (reveal) the secret of his invention.
We (go) to an insect restaurant tonight.
Tom has always wanted (swim) with dolphins.
I look forward (see) the ice cave.
Task 4.Change the form of the word.
I think we will ……in this competition. (SUCCESS)
Don’t try to… me, I’m not scared! (THREAT)
My favourite meal is …..potatoes. (MASH)
The ……..from this event will always be in my head! ( ENJOY)
The government is taking care of ….people these days, they can feel practically the same as normal people. (ABLE)
If you drink… water, you will end up with a bad stomachache. (CONTAMINATE)

Task 5. Поставьте глаголы в корректную форму одного из выражения будущего времени.
1. I visit/am going to visit the night market tonight.
2. I make/am making spring rolls this afternoon.
3. Don’t worry about making the restaurant reservation. I will do/am doing it later.
4. This dish looks delicious. I think I am going to/will eat it.
5. “What are your plans for tonight?” “We are staying/will stay in”.
6. a) How long have you been experimenting with nanotechnology?
b) By the end of the month, I (work) on it for three years.
7. a) (you/see) Sarah at the lab later?
b) No. By the time we get there, she (already/leave).
8. a) By the end of the century, we (build) a time machine.
b) I’m not sure. I think we (still/work) on it.
9. a) Would you like a drink with your dessert?
b) I (have) a cappuccino , please.
10. a) Why are you buying flour and cheese?
b) Because I (make) a pizza.​

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18.07.2022 15:58
The story begins by introducing George, Harris, Jerome and Montmorency, a fox terrier. The men are spending an evening in J.'s room, smoking and discussing illnesses they fancy they suffer from. They conclude they are all suffering from 'overwork' and need a holiday. A stay in the country and a sea trip are both considered, then rejected after J. describes the bad experiences had by his brother-in-law and a friend on sea trips. The three decide on a boating holiday up the River Thames, from Kingston upon Thames to Oxford, during which they will camp, notwithstanding Jerome's anecdotes about previous experiences with tents and camping stoves.   They set off the following Saturday. George must go to work that morning ("George goes to sleep at a bank from ten to four each day, except Saturdays, when they wake him up and put him outside at two"), so J. and Harris make their way to Kingston by train. They are unable to find the correct train at Waterloo Station (the station's confusing layout was a well-known theme of Victorian comedy) so they bribe a train driver to take his train to Kingston, where they collect the hired boat and start the journey. They meet George up-river at Weybridge.   The remainder of the story describes their river journey and the incidents that occur. The book's original purpose as a guidebook is apparent as J., the narrator, describes passing landmarks and villages such as Hampton Court Palace, Hampton Church, Monkey Island, Magna Carta Island and Marlow, and muses on historical associations of these places. However, he frequently digresses into humorous anecdotes that range from the unreliability of barometers for weather forecasting to the difficulties encountered when learning to play the Scottish bagpipe. The most frequent topics of J's anecdotes are river pastimes such as fishing and boating and the difficulties they presented to those who were inexperienced and unwary and to the three men on previous boating trips.   The book includes classic comedy set-pieces, such as the story of two drunken men who slide into the same bed in the dark, the plaster of paris trout in chapter 17 and the "Irish stew" in chapter 14 – made by mixing most of the leftovers in the party's food hamper:   I forget the other ingredients, but I know nothing was wasted; and I remember that, towards the end, Montmorency, who had evinced great interest in the proceedings throughout, strolled away with an earnest and thoughtful air, reappearing, a few minutes afterwards, with a dead water-rat in his mouth, which he evidently wished to present as his contribution to the dinner; whether in a sarcastic spirit, or with a genuine desire to assist, I cannot say.   —Chapter XIV
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30.07.2022 11:59
Бухгалтерский учет показывает финансовую картину фирмы. An записи отдел бухгалтерского учета и меры активность бизнеса. В нем сообщается о последствиях сделок по фирмам финансового состояния. Бухгалтерский учет дать очень важные данные. В используется руководством, акционерами, кредиторами, независимые аналитики и government.Most предприятия регулярно готовить два типа записей. То есть о прибылях и убытках и баланса. Эти заявления показывают, как деньги были получены и потрачены на company.One основного инструмента для анализа бухгалтерской отчетности является анализ коэффициентов. Анализ отношение отношения двух фигур. В финансах мы работаем с тремя основными категориями соотношениях. Один отношение имеет дело с рентабельностью, например, отдача от инвестиций Соотношение. Он используется в качестве меры фирмы, работающей efficiency.The второй набор коэффициентов сделок с активами и обязательствами. Это компании оценить свое текущее финансовое положение. Третий набор коэффициентов имеет дело с общей финансовой структуры компании. Он анализирует значение в собственность фирмы
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