Task 11. Fill in the missing words in the text: form, employs, laser, adapted, data, advanced, letter-quality, impact, ink-jet, written, dot-matrix, characters, output.
A printer is a computer 1. device that displays information on paper. The information can be in the form of 2. script, numerical 3. or graphics. Printers can produce 4. print, like a typewriter. There are two main types of printers: 5. printers and 6. printers. Dotmatrix printer 7. a matrix of small pegs that, hit from behind, 8. a series of dots on paper. The dot-matrix printer can 9. __ a wide variety of 10. as well as graphics. Ink-jet printers can be 11. to complex colour printing. The more 12. type of printers is the 13. printer which is capable of both black and white and colour printing.
Wolves are wild animals. They look very much like big dogs. Usually wolves are grey with long tails. Wolves are predators and very smart hunters. They live almost anywhere. They can be found in tundra,steppe and taiga. Wolves have great physical strength,endurance and agivity. As wolves kill weak and sick animals first they are considered to be forest medics. But because of the danger they pose to people,many species of wolves have been completely wiped out,and many are considered endangered.
The polar bear is a carnivorous mammal of the family bear, a close relative of the brown bear. The largest land predator of the planet and the only one that actively hunts and preys on human beings, seeing it as equivalent prey. one of the largest terrestrial mammalian species of Carnivora. Its length reaches 3 m, weight up to 1 ton Typically males weigh from 400 to 800 kg, body length of 200-250 cm, height at the withers 130-150 cm Females noticeably smaller (200-300 kg). The smallest bears are found on Spitsbergen, the largest — in the Bering sea. Polar bear from other bears is distinguished by its long neck and flat head. His skin is black. The color of fur varies from white to yellowish; in summer the fur may turn yellow due to constant exposure to sunlight. Wool polar bear is devoid of pigment color.