Task 188. Fill in the gaps with Participle II. 1) Samantha looked (annoy).
2) Pictures (paint) by Picasso usually sell for millions of pounds.
3) Jessica couldn’t agree to her friend’s suggestion though (move) deeply by his words.
4) (shock) by the explosion, the people ran for shelter.
5) The umbrella, (find) at the bus stop, belongs to Mrs. Johnson.
6) Champagne, (produce) in France, is exported all over the world.
7) The car, (park) by the entrance, belongs to the director.
8) This is a vegetarian restaurant. None of the dishes (serve) here contain meat or fish.
9) The Harry Potter books, (write) by JK. Rowling have all been made into films.
10)I need a list of goods (sell) yesterday.
Task 189. Join these sentences using Participle II in the function of an attribute. Follow the model:
Kate washed the linen. It hung on the rope. → The washed linen hung on the rope.
1) The child broke a cup. It was lying on the floor.
2) Liz closed the book. It was lying on the desk.
3) The leaves faded. They fell to the ground.
4) We decorated the fir-tree. It looked very beautiful.
5) The article was rejected. It was returned to the author for revision.
6) Julia lost her passport. It was returned to her in a fortnight’s time.
7) The flowers withered. They were standing on the table in the dining room.
8) The girl broke a vase. It was lying on the floor.
9) Victoria ironed her blouse. It hung in her room.
10)Stanley closed the journal. It was lying on the desk.
Тви ин ˈрашэ из ˈсимилэ ту ˌтиˈви ин ˈазэˌюэрэˈпиэн ˈкантриз?уи со ˈрашэн ˈвёшэнз овлост ов ˈфэмили шоуз лайк "бигˈбразэ" энд "ху уонтс ту би э ˌмильэˈнеэ?" уирид зэ ˈпроугрэм гайд . ˈрашэн ˌтиˈви ˈолсоухэз э фью соуп ˈопэрэз, эз ин ˈолмоуст ˈевриˈазэ плейс ин зэ уёлд. ˈрашэн ˈтелиˌвижэнхэз ˈоувэ ˈтуэнти ˈчэнлз он зи еэр энд зиз абоус ˈпаблик энд ˈпрайвит. уан ов зэ моустˈпопьюлэ ˈчэнлз из ˈчэнл уан . уи со лост овэдˈвётс фо вэˈрайэти шоуз энд ˈкомидишоуз. зиз а ˈвери ˈпопьюлэ . ˈрашэнз ˈриэлилайк ту lauhg энд зей инˈджой ˈуочин funneˈскечиз энд ˈстэндап кэˈмидиэнз исˈпешэлиуэн зей тел джоукс эˈбaут ˈполитикс. ов косзеэр ар ˈолсоу лост ов эˈмерикэн эндˌюэрэˈпиэн филмз он ˈтелиˌвижэн. инфэкт, викт соу ˈмени ˈдифрэнт тайпс овˈпроугрэмз уи фaунд ит хад ту чуз!