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Task 1
прочитайте тексты (1-6). подберите правильные заголовки (д
один заголовок - лишний.
e) sport and traditions
a) sport of nowadays
b) record that needed courage
1) one team, one colour
c) together with people on earth
g) testing his men
d) six-year-long race
1. wimbledon is the most prestigious tennis tournament in the world. the first tennis competition took
place at wimbledon as early as in 1877. every tennis player in the world dreams to play in it. at
wimbledon, the players compete on grass and must wear all white. wimbledon is not only a sports event,
but also a social occasion, and it's traditional to eat strawberries and cream there.
2. sunita williams is an american astronaut and the first person to run a marathon in space. she took
part in the boston marathon but did it aboard the international space station. by the time sunita finished
her marathon, she had circled the earth two times.
3. rugby is the most popular sport in new zealand. the country even has the world's first rugby
museum. rugby appeared in the country for the first time in 1870. new zealand's national rugby team,
the all blacks, have become very famous. the all blacks got their name because they wear black shorts,
shirts, socks and shoes. their shirts have the sign of the silver fern, a native plant which is sacred to the
maori people.
4. martin strel, from slovenia, has become the first man in the world to swim the whole length of the
amazon river. it took martin 66 days to swim 6,259 kilometres of the mighty river. the amazon is the
world's widest river and the second longest. it's also a dangerous place to go for a swim. that's because
it is full of piranhas, crocodiles, sharks and anaconda snakes. "i think the animals have just accepted me.
i've been swimming with them such a long time that they must think i'm one of them now," said martin.
5. in the 11th century, scottish king malcolm iii organized contests in a scottish village called braemar
to find the strongest and fastest men in his kingdom. those who were the strongest became the king's
bodyguards and those who were the fastest became his messengers. the highland games were very
spectacular and many people came to braemar at the time of the contest. some wanted to take part,
others just came as visitors.
6. robert garside, a former police officer from britain, is the first person to run around the world. he
started out on his adventure in 1997, and finished it in 2003. it took him all those years to run across 30
countries. and it's taken years to prove that he did it without walking. now robert has a certificate
saying that he is a real record-holder. “i'm really happy about this, this run cost me everything," he said​

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24.08.2022 13:57
Hello! yesterday i am find old family alboom. would you like to see it together -sure, it nice idea this photo (picture)  shows  a seaside resort (морской курорт) in summer. the weather is hot  that’s whythe beach is full of people. there are no clouds in the sky and  it looks  light blue.  аs for  the sea, it is a bit rough, i can see the waves,  so  the light wind is  probably  blowing. in the foreground  just a bit  to the rightthere is a big merry-go-round. i can  guessthat a lot of children are riding horses there. they  may be  laughing, shouting, in other words,  they are having fun. another kind of attraction is situated  to the left of  the first one.  it looks  smaller and  at first sight  you can  suppose  that it is a merry-go-round, too. but  if you look closer, you can see that it  might be  a kiosk with some food or souvenirs  becausepeople are standing around  probablylooking for something to buy. the beach is very crowded. the people are lying on the sand and swimming in the sea. in the background  i can  make out  the outline of a white pier (пирс) which  stands out againstthe blue sky. as for me,  i have enjoyed a lot describing this cheerful picture. this sunny beach makes me feel optimistic  because  in a few weeks i hope i will be enjoying swimming in the sea, too.
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06.09.2020 05:00
Кухня - это смесь многих культурных традиций. кухня включает в себя все виды овощей, грибов, мяса, молочных продуктов, меда, фруктов и ягод, а также различных сортов пшеницы, ячменя и ржи. всегда был гурманами. многие названия блюд и алкогольных напитков стали международными. для примера: водка, мини, пирожки, пельмени.в московских ресторанах вы можете попробовать традиционный рыбный суп «уха» с огромными раками. в меню есть большой выбор закусок, супов: российский мясной суп с свежей кабанкой - щуки, мясной и рыбный суп - солянка, почтовый суп с укропом - рассольник, рыбный суп - уха, окрошковый суп, зеленый щавелевой суп и холодный свекольный суп - свекольник.для закусок гости могут отведать холодные мясные блюда: ветчина, холодная отварная свинина - буженина, запеченный язык, мясное желе с хреном и различные салаты. официанты рекомендуют гостям прессовать и красную икру, лосось, фаршированный щуку, острый geon в залив, селедку, маринованную сельдь, копченые шпроты и так далее. гости также могут выбрать блины с икрой и лососем.для основного блюда гости могут заказать осетровых из любого вида - вареных, приготовленных на пару или на вертеле. в меню много мясных блюд: жареная телятина, говядина-строганов, фарш, завернутый в листья капусты - голубцы, жареная курица, жареная утка, гусь, фаршированная яблоками и квашеной капустой, и так далее. - великие любители пельмени, маленькие сибирские мясные пироги, сваренные в бульоне.в кухне представлено большое количество десертов. kисель был любимым блюдом на протяжении многих веков. кисель изготовлен из свежих или сухофруктов или из ягод. на десерт вы также можете попробовать аппетит с сахаром, фруктовым и ягодным соком. кухня славится большим разнообразием молочных продуктов: творогом - творогом, густой сметаной - сметаной и йогуртами - кефиром и ряженкой.гости могут попробовать различные пироги. это пироги с рыбной начинкой - расстегай, пирог с мясом или капустной начинкой - кулебяка, открытые пироги с творогом - ватрушки. пирожные называются пряники, толстые о-образные рулоны называются бубликами, сухие о-образные рулоны называются баранки или сошки. пшеничные хлебы имеют десятки сортов. что касается ржаного хлеба, то едят больше, чем любая нация в мире - особенность питания.
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