Task 2. Choose the question from the card on the topic “Entertainment and Media” and answer. You should
conveys ideas clearly;
use some persuasive techniques;
writes full sentences;
use basic conjunctions and linking words;
use appropriate topical vocabulary
Card 1
1. What is your favorite form of entertainment?
2. Why are movies such popular entertainment? Try to give specific reasons. ("Because they're interesting" is not good enough!)
Card 2
What do you think of these forms of entertainment: music, comedy, live theater, TV, sports, traveling, going to bars (pubs), having parties at home, gambling and reading?
2. In your opinion, which kinds of TV programs are a waste of time? (love stories, adventure stories, mysteries, comedies, documentaries, game shows, horror) Explain your answer!
Card 3
What kinds of TV programs are most popular in your country?
Describe some popular games in your country. Why are they popular?
Card 4
What is your favorite kind of TV program or movie? (love stories, adventure stories, mysteries, comedies, documentaries, game shows, horror)
Who is the funniest comedian in your country? Can you describe his or her style? Why is he or she funny?
Card 5
Do you have a favorite singer or movie star?
Who is the most famous singer in your country? Can you describe one of his or her songs?
Card 6
What do you most/least want to read in a paper?
How regularly do you read a paper? How much of what you read do you believe?
Present Continuous: 2. I'm eating porridge now
Present Perfect: 3. I have done my hometask
Present Perfect Continuous: 4. I have been doing this project for 2 weeks
Past Simple: 5. I walked yesterday.
Past Continuous: 6. When my mother came home, I was helping my brother with his task.
Past Perfect: 7. I didn’t want to go to the cinema yesterday, because I had already seen the film
Past Perfect Continuous: 8. I had been waiting for his airplane for 2 hours when it was announced about delay.
Future Simple: 9. I will do it tomorrow
By the territory (9, 4 million. Km2) is in fourth place in the world (after Russia, Canada, China).-По площади территории (9, 4 млн. км2) находятся на четвертом месте в мире (после Российской Федерации, Канады, Китая)
The highest point of the circuit - Mount Elbert, its height is 4,399 km. And the highest point of the continental territory - Mount Whitney (4.421 km)-Самая высшая точка этой цепи - гора Элберт, ее высота 4,399 км. А самая высока точка континентальной территории - гора Уитни (4.421 км)