Task 2. Fill in the gaps: 1)The main types of transportation are trains, buses and
2) Trams were used first in the and were pulled by
3) Trolleybuses and trams are usually used for , buses and trains — for
4) More people using the same vehicles, fewer cars are on the road, therefore, fewer
cars make less
1. Является ли рыбоводство одним из наиболее перспективных секторов сельскохозяйственного производства? 2. Как можно использовать рыбные продукты? 3. Сколько яиц может вырастить один самка? 4. Почему у нас есть небольшое количество производителей рыбы? 5. Что указывают вышеуказанные факты? 6. Наша страна является первой культурой выращивания карповых прудов, не так ли? 7. Легко или трудно выращивать карп? 8. С какой буквы они начинают развиваться недавно вместе с карпом? 9. Что увеличению объема производства рыбы? 10. Как мир рассматривал биологический производственный потенциал Мирового океана во второй половине XX века?
She gets up
She got up
She is getting up
She was getting up
She will get up
She brushes her teeth
She brushed her teeth
She is brushing her teeth
She was brushing her teeth
She will brush her teeth
She takes a shower
She took a shower
She is taking a shower
She was taking a shower
She will take a shower
She has a breakfast
She had a breakfast
She is having a breakfast
She was having a breakfast
She will have a breakfast
She defecates
She defecated
She is defecating
She was defecating
She will defecate
She goes to school
She went to school
She is going to school
She was going to school
She will go to school
She raises a hand
She raised a hand
She is raising a hand
She was raising a hand
She will raise a hand
She twists wrap
She twisted wrap
She is twisting wrap
She was twisting wrap
She will twist wrap
She sleeps
She slept
She is sleeping
She was sleeping
She will sleep