Task 2: Find the mistake in each sentence and correct it. Example: She was seeing the shark while she was surfing. Was seeing MeuseM Ha Saw
1) My dad was turning off the TV while I was watching it.
2) What did he saw while he was swimming?
3) He didn't liked the film very much.
4) What was you doing last night at 8.00pm?
2.I don't feel good today. If I felt better, I would take a walk in the park today.
3.I have a cold today, but I will probably feel better tomorrow. If I feel better tomorrow, I will go to class.
4.I'm sorry that you didn't come to the party. If you had come, you would have had a good time.
5.I didn't know that Bob was sick. If I had known that he was sick, I would have taken him some chicken soup.
6.I'm tired. If I were not tired, I would help you.
7.Snow is predicted for tomorrow. If it snows tomorrow, I will stay home.
8.I may have a dollar. Let me look in my wallet. If I have a dollar, I will lend it to you.
9.I don't have any money. If I had a dollar, I would lend it to you.
10.I didn't have a dollar yesterday. If I had had a dollar yesterday, I would have lent it to you.
11. I didn't know it was your birthday yesterday. I wish you had told me. I would have got you present if I had known it was your birthday yesterday.
13.Why didn't you tell me when your plane was supposed to arrive? If you had told me, I would have picked
1. Я никогда не получаю удовольствие от работы в фильме - Марлен Дитрих - актрисса
2. В будущем, каждый сможет стать знаменитым всего за 15 минут - Энди Уархолл, артист
3. Я думаю, это грустно, потому, что тут так мало музыкантов, которые не хотят изменить мир. - Моби - музыкант
4. Никто действительно не может спеть в опере, потому что они делают звуки носом (когда поют типа) - Амелита Галли - Кюрчи - критик
5. Критик - это некто, кто знает всё, но не умеет водить (машину) - Кеннет Тайнан - критик
6. Телевидение это как жевать жевательную резинку для глаз - Франк Ллойд Райт - архивариус.