Task 2. Give Russian and / or English equivalents for the following words and expressions from the text: |Russian| |English|
1 retail business
2 put his stamp on things
3 (his father) grew to accept
4 consumer boom
5 took hold
6 took over
7 stock exchange
8 floating
9 eventually
10 a pioneer
11 share scheme
12 state-of-the-art
13 joint venture
14 trade fair
15 establish a factory / branches
1.. He WEARS trainers and a tracksuit every Sports lesson. (Present Simple)
2. We ARE COOKING at the kitchen now. (Present Continuous)
3. They often DRINK tea every evening. (Present Simple)
4. Now the weather is cold, PUT ON your jacket. (Present Simple)
5. Where are your brother? He IS RUNNING now. (Present Continuous)
6. Her children JUMP every day. (Present Simple)
7. I AM SWIMMING with my friends now. (Present Continuous)
8. He always READS interesting stories his children in the evening. (Present Simple)
Если действие повторяется (every day, every evening и тд.) - используем Present Simple Простое настоящее
Если действие происходит сейчас (now) - используем Present Continuous (Progressive) настоящее продолженное
Australia~ He is a little boy. My cousin
is four. David likes to play hideand.;.seek.
But he doesn`t want to read books.
Every Sunday we go to the park to ride
a bicycle. Yesterday we played football at
·. the school sports-ground. Now my cousin
and I play with a ball in the yard .
. 1. What the cousin's name is?
2. Where David is from?
3. How old the boy is?
4. What game David likes to play?
· 5. What he doesn`t want to do?
6. Where they go every Sunday?
7. What they do in the park?
8. Where David and his cousin go yes-
. terday?
9. What they do at the school sports ..
ground? .
10. What David do now?
11. What David's cousin do now?