Task 2) Напишите a или an перед нужным словом. Приведите перевод: Например: an operator - оператор, a track – путь 1. accident, baggage
2. wagon, arrival
3. adhesion, ballast
4. bogie, assembly
5. alloy, brake
6. employee, automation
7. , fuel
8. effect, train
9. engine, guide
10. iron, hump
I love traveling with my friends. This time we went to the ski resort of Bukovel.
At first we were skiing. It was a very steep and extreme descent. Everyone liked it.
Then we went to look at the lake. It shone in the sun. All were photographed against his background. Nearby was a pool and beach. We splashed fun in the water. The boys showed how they can swim, and the girls looked at them and clapped their hands.
We took a lot of delicious food with us and had a picnic.
This day I remembered for a long time. Thanks to my friends that I have them. You are the best.
I love traveling with my friends. This time we went to the ski resort of Bukovel.
At first we were skiing. It was a very steep and extreme descent. Everyone liked it.
Then we went to look at the lake. It shone in the sun. All were photographed against his background. Nearby was a pool and beach. We splashed fun in the water. The boys showed how they can swim, and the girls looked at them and clapped their hands.
We took a lot of delicious food with us and had a picnic.
This day I remembered for a long time. Thanks to my friends that I have them. You are the best.
Історія описує події у Школі Чарів і Чаклунства Гоґвортс, де його найкращими друзями є чарівники Рон Візлі і Герміона Ґрейнджер. Його найцікавішою особистою прикметою є шрам у вигляді блискавки на лобі, який з'явився, коли Темний Лорд Волдеморт спробував вбити Гаррі ще малям, застосувавши закляття смерті Авада Кедавра. Волдеморт також, крім багатьох непокірних, вбив батьків Гаррі і зруйнував їхній будинок 31 жовтня 1981 року. Гаррі є знаменитим на увесь чаклунський світ через те, що він був єдиною особою, яка вижила після Авада Кедавра і цим спричинила крах Лорда Волдеморта.