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16.01.2022 06:45 •  Английский язык

Task 2. Read the texts and choose the right answer.
Are British teenagers fashion-mad?
Recently a company asked young people in the United Kingdom some questions about money and shopping. They discovered the British teenagers cannot live without buying new clothes, even when they do not have much money. We have interviewed British teenagers to see if they really are mad about fashion.
Chloe Broderick
I go shopping for clothes with my friends every Saturday. Today I I’ve bought things that I don’t really need too. However a new dress or top can make you feel really good. So, it’s worth (it costs) the money even if you only wear it once. To be honest, I don’t really look at the price. When I like something, I just buy it. I’ve written article about fashion in our school magazine and I’ve drawn some designs for clothes. Maybe one day I’ll be a fashion designer myself.
Joe Clark
Me? Mad about fashion? No, way! I hate shopping for clothes. My mum usually buys me stuff (different things). She knows what I like. The things I wear aren’t usually very expensive. Personally, I think that people send too much money on clothes. The most expensive thing I’ve ever bought is my leather jacket. I bought it two years ago. It looks good, so why should I buy a new one?
Max Dawson
You can’t just buy jeans or T-shirt nowadays. They have to be Calvin Klein jeans or Dolce and Gabbana T -shirt. My friends all wear designer clothes, so I’ve started doing te same. I’ve just spent a hundred pounds on one shirt! Sometimes I’ve found that later I don’t even like what I’ve bought. However it’s important for me to wear the same clothes as my friends. If not, I’m not part of the group.
Whiсh person says it?
A) Chloe B) Joe C) Max
1.thinks wеаring thе right clothes is important to kеер yоur friеnds. 2.only buys сlоthеs if it is nесеssary.
3.thinks сlоthеs mаkе you hаppy.
4.thinks that dеsignеr сlоthеs arе еssеntial nоw.

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24.03.2021 21:45
1.родной город 2.my hometown of almetyevsk. in it i live all my life. almetievsk is a city from november 3, 1953 in the republic of tatarstan of the russian federation. the largest city in polycentric almetyevsk-bugulma-leninogorsk agglomeration and the center of the tpk of the south-eastern economic zone of the republic, the fourth largest city of tatarstan. precise data on the time of the founding of the village of almetyevo did not survive. in 1840, during the polls conducted in the region, the almetyevtsi informed the authorities that their village was founded 121 years ago, that is, around 1719. the founder of the village is mullah almet. since 1920, as part of the bugulma canton of the tatar assr, since august 10, 1930 is a regional center. on march 25, 1952, the village of almetievo was transformed into a town-type settlement of almetyevsk. on november 3, 1953, almetyevsk received the city status. 3. memorials of architecture. muslim religious center. riza fakhretdin, a large new mosque. the icon of the kazan mother of god. neftche palace of culture. tourist and recreational zone "beach". cascade of ponds with a bridge of lovers and a dam. 4. tatneft is the nurse of almetyevsk and the whole of tatarstan. the company plays an important role in the development of almetyevsk and tatarstan. the history of tatneft begins with the romashkinsky deposit. in 1943 exploratory drilling allowed to open the shugurovskoye field, where there is a lot of oil. from this moment, life begins in this area. "tatneft" plays an important role in the life of our city and the republic of tatarstan. almetyevsk is recognized in many cases as the most convenient republic. thanks to this company, our city - is a landscape, built parks, squares, a beach of european level, also funded by various enterprises, organize concerts of russian stars 5. the city has not a large 15000th population. at the moment, the city has 25 schools, 6 secondary schools and 5 universities. 6.bulatova klara garifovna - poetess, honored worker of culture of tatarstan. alexander suponinsky - hero of the russian federation, guard senior sergeant, division commander. farid khayrullovich mukhametshin is a russian state and political figure. chairman of the state council of the republic of tatarstan. candidate of sociological sciences, doctor of political sciences. full member of the academy of technological sciences of the russian federation. 7. my wish to the city. today almetyevsk is a dynamically developing modern city of european level, which has preserved its historical identity, unique appearance and unique beauty. the main wealth of almetyevsk is its inhabitants, who give their strength, talent and knowledge for its prosperity, sincerely loving their city. i would like to wish my city to remain as prosperous as it is now. more free sports facilities and fewer traffic lights. 8.thanks for your attention!
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04.04.2020 03:30
Перевод: поэтому андрею пришлось покинуть бленели через месяц. он сразу начал искать другую должность. он прочитал все объявления в газетах и направил много заявлений врачам, которые хотели получить ассистента, но к концу второй недели он не получил ответа на свои заявления. андрей действительно начал волноваться. прошло три недели и он почти потерял надежду найти работу. вечером 30 августа он встретил денни на улице. - мне жаль, что ты уезжаешь, мэнсон, - сказал он. "я хочу тебе кое-что сказать. я слышал сегодня днем, что медицинское общество аберало ищет нового . это в тридцати милях отсюда. почему бы тебе не попробовать? ” ну, да, - медленно согласился андрей. “я могу попробовать.” спустя несколько минут он пошел домой, чтобы написать еще одно заявление.шестого сентября андрей приехал в абералав. медицинское общество абералоу должно было выбрать нового врача из семи кандидатов, подавших заявления на эту должность. выбранный врач должен будет работать на угольной шахте. все семь кандидатов были приглашены. андрей был третьим, кто вошел в комнату комитета. около тридцати шахтеров заполнили помещение. за маленьким столиком посреди комнаты он увидел оуэна, секретаря, и льюэлин, главного врача. оуэн, тихим голосом, объяснил условия работы. затем шахтеры задали андрею много вопросов о его работе и о себе, а затем он вышел из комнаты, и следующий кандидат вошел, а затем следующий. наконец-то все закончилось. все кандидаты ждали. дверь открылась, и оуэн снова пригласил мэнсона. а по вопросам я хз, сорри.
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