Task 2. Write sentences about your fashion. You should write full sentences. Use some active vocabulary casual style, formal style, sport style, oversize, high-heeled shoes, thick-soled boots, comfortable, tight, fashionable etc. Include the following information: Example: I like casual style because it is comfortable and looks fashionable.
What style do you prefer?
When and where do you usually wear it?
Why do you like wearing it?
Is your fashion popular among teenagers?
The fox is a cunning, evil and cautious animal. It digs a deep hole (it is called a den) with several exits and stays there in bad weather, and also feeds its young. The fox eats small animals, insects, fish and even fruit. A friend of mine, who is a hunter, told me: "A fox lies on the grass like a dead one, and stupid birds fly to it. That's where it catches them. Or, for example, a fox sits on the bank of the river. Its tail is lowered into the water and the fox catches fish using its tail like a fishing rod."
Вот теперь по смыслу раздели предложения так, чтобы получилось два рассказа...
летом я посетил столицу Италии. Было очень жарко , но мне очень понравились площади и улицы Рима . Я решил поехать в Италию следующим летом снова.
летом я посетил Финляндию.Было холодно и дождливо в Хельсинки. Я не могу сказать, что мне очень понравилась страна и ее города . Следующим летом я решил поехать в Италию.