Task 2 / Задание 2: В 5 классе мы учили конструкцию have got/has got, что переводится как «имеет». Have got мы используем с местоимениями I, you, we, they; Has got мы используем с местоимениями he, she, it. Составь предложения со ВСЕМИ новыми словами по примеру:
She has got a sore throat (У нее больное горло)
3. Can Hugh play the piano? No, he can't. (Yes, he can.)
4. Does Polly play the piano? Yes, she does. (No, she doesn't.)
5. Does Jim like to go to the lake? Yes, he does. (No, He doesn't.)
6. Does Rumbo love Jim? Yes. (No.)
7. Does Jim love his puppy? Yes. (No.)
8. Who is very good at football? Hugh is.
9. Who can speak French very well? - Mrs Dale can.
10. Shall we go to the cinema today? Yes, we shall. (No, we shan't.)
11. Will Lily come with us? No, she won't. (Yes, she will.)
12. Why won't Lily come with us? Because she is ill.
13. Who has to learn new words? We have to.
14. Has Mr Dale to go to London in March? Yes, he has.
V. Отгадайте загадку.
What animal has the longest neck? - The giraffe has the longest neck.
У какого животного самая длинная шея? - У жирафа.
English - the most widely useful language in international business, science and diplomacy.
English is everywhere.
Learning English became needful for every person, because we all live in a reality and we need to know what's happening around the world.
Nowadays Kazakhstan is part of the international community and the problem of learning English for communication sphere is especially important for us.
We are learning English language now.
If we want to speak in English fluently, we need to work hard on it.